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Forums - Gaming Discussion - PS3 Lost Planet - 5GB Install

meh....based on what it looks like I don't think many people are going to make that decision after playing through the single's certainly possible though, and personally I just hope they start making these installs optional and then I won't have a single complaint about em.


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dgm6780 said:
what a bunch of babies! i am all for features that make a game run better. this gives the PS3 a leg UP and the XBox, its not a negative. I have a 20GB PS3 , download all kinds of demos, movies, and music but have yet to have any full HD problems. The stuff is deletable.

even better deal then was posted earlier
160GB HD $69 - thats barely more then a new game

I don't want to have to buy a harddrive just so I can play games, I should be able to own as many games as I want and be able to play them whenever I want without having to muck around with installation times and harddrive space. Thats one of the main reasons I buy consoles. Don't get me wrong, I support optional installation fully, its a great idea for people willing to wait for installation in order to get a bit of a cut to load times. The key word however is 'optional', if they can get the game to run without installation on the X360 why the fuck can they not do the same on the PS3? The games are ports for gods sake!

A moderate install of a couple of gigabytes on the occasional game is not that big of a problem, but I am somewhat worried about what will happen over the next couple of years if Sony releases a system with a larger hard drive and developers try to push the PS3 harder.

HappySqurriel said:

A moderate install of a couple of gigabytes on the occasional game is not that big of a problem, but I am somewhat worried about what will happen over the next couple of years if Sony releases a system with a larger hard drive and developers try to push the PS3 harder.

 its not just Sony's problem. Mircosoft's also allowing this with their "HDD required" games. It's even worse for the 360 owners who only bought the core or arcade models as they have to go out and buy an HDD. At least PS3 and 360 Premuim/Elite owners have HDDs.

Burnout Paradise on the 360 requires an HDD for Online play. Same with Crackdown.



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For the 360 owners who don't have a HDD, how do they save games?

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Stever89 said:
For the 360 owners who don't have a HDD, how do they save games?

 memory card unit, but these units are also used for XBLA games, add-on content, etc. So the space quickly fills up.

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Official VGChartz Folding@Home Team #109453

That's why sony gives you 40 gigs of memory

It is such a hassle to install though....


Well actually it would be better if the install was optional .Its an issue thats for sure ,not a big issue but a issue all the same .

What it seems though is that the future will rely a lot in the combination between HDD and optical drive .

I read an article a lot of years ago that was heading that way .It was in an european mag when the Commodore CDTV was introduced (it was basically a Laptop with Amiga technology and a CD drive that did run the best looking games of the time The Fractal Engine one of the first ones to use poligonal graphics over a prerendered backdrop ) .Many developers were interviewed and they said that optical drives were a massive push in storage capacity and reading times would be faster and faster and they also contempled the increasing HDD capacity in the PC to install things as a great thing due to the high speed of the HDD .Most of them ,though ,said that the real revolution would be when HDD and optical technology was used toghether and optimized .It was a lot of years ago ,but this has remembered me about that .

And as ssj12 says its worse for some Xbox owners ,some of them dont have any HDD and most of them have a 15 GB one and some games as Burnout Paradise and Crackdown wont run in their machines without installing .

you dont have to buy a new hard drive to play a new game, you have to buy a new hard drive if you want to play 20 games at one time

ssj12 said:
Stever89 said:
For the 360 owners who don't have a HDD, how do they save games?

memory card unit, but these units are also used for XBLA games, add-on content, etc. So the space quickly fills up.

Yeah, I can hardly believe any 360 owner doesn't have a HDD... memory cards are such a hassle.