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dgm6780 said:
what a bunch of babies! i am all for features that make a game run better. this gives the PS3 a leg UP and the XBox, its not a negative. I have a 20GB PS3 , download all kinds of demos, movies, and music but have yet to have any full HD problems. The stuff is deletable.

even better deal then was posted earlier
160GB HD $69 - thats barely more then a new game

I don't want to have to buy a harddrive just so I can play games, I should be able to own as many games as I want and be able to play them whenever I want without having to muck around with installation times and harddrive space. Thats one of the main reasons I buy consoles. Don't get me wrong, I support optional installation fully, its a great idea for people willing to wait for installation in order to get a bit of a cut to load times. The key word however is 'optional', if they can get the game to run without installation on the X360 why the fuck can they not do the same on the PS3? The games are ports for gods sake!