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Forums - Sales Discussion - I Believe PS4/Xbone GAP After Japan Release Will Be Over 3 Million. And You? (Over 500k in US before Titanfall Launch) - Results Out

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PS4/Xbone GAP After Japan Launch?

4.0m 229 30.90%
3.5m 47 6.34%
3.0m 120 16.19%
2.5m 197 26.59%
2.0m 85 11.47%
1.5m 12 1.62%
1.0m 15 2.02%
None 33 4.45%
Dr.EisDrachenJaeger said:
Sony as a whole has been dead in Japan for a long long time. PS4' is their last hope
I expect 500-600k for first 3 weeks max.

That's rich.

"We'll toss the dice however they fall,
And snuggle the girls be they short or tall,
Then follow young Mat whenever he calls,
To dance with Jak o' the Shadows."

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I am curious. Does anyone know what Sony expects PS4 shipments to be buy the end of the fiscal year?

2.4M gap after Japan launch

Hmm.... I think 700k launch week in Japan. Don't think Japan is gonna be in it like they use to be. Handhelds done took over Japan. 500k day one followed by 200k between day 2 and 3.

Gap should be at 2 million the week before Japan launch and 2.8 million the week after.

Honestly I think one aspect Sony has drastically improved on since 2006 has been their vision and marketing for the Playstation brand. They have an incredible momentum and all of the positive press they've been receiving has to have created an unrelenting amount of hype for them in their home country….Add to the fact I believe we're seeing FFXV either at the end of this year or beginning of the next and it's a perfect storm for them.

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"In video game terms, RPGs are games that involve a form of separate battles taking place with a specialized battle system and the use of a system that increases your power through a form of points.

Sure, what you say is the definition, but the connotation of RPGs is what they are in video games." - dtewi

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That sounds about right, I wonder what kind of japanese games we will see on the PS4, and it is safe to say the Xbox One will get no attention from japanese devs besides Namco, Konami and Capcom. Maybe SEGA, and, with them, Atlus... We will see.
As a Xbox One owner myself, I gottta say: the future looks bleak, nothing but dumb FPSs and Open World shallow Ubi games on the horizon

My grammar errors are justified by the fact that I am a brazilian living in Brazil. I am also very stupid.

i dont see 700k at launch. but i see good sells in the first weeks.

Let me put it to you guys like this.

You're expecting the entire audience who has bought the Vita for the last two years to buy the PS4 in a matter of months.

Japan is handheld land and you expect the PS4 to do better than the Vita over there? After the massive hit PS3 took?

I dont see it. PS4s doesnt even have a killer app in terms of media functionality

People making assumptions based off of polls and random internet posts, do yourself a favor and come over here to japan, try finding a store that is still accepting preorders, if you manage to find one let me know.

Sure had a hard time with the WiiU too back then.

Stock is low