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Forums - General Discussion - DON'T EVER PISS OFF A NERD (ROFL!!! OMG!!!)

Haha i have seen that sooo many times and yet still funny.

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why do fat nerds make me laugh..epsecially pastey skinned ones...


its like settle down you dweeb eat another hostess cupcake you pile. LOL

I am WEEzY. You can suck my Nintendo loving BALLS!




i would hate to play wii with that guy, probably get mad and hit me with the wii mote lol

twesterm said:
weezy said:
Deep cuts/slashing wounds do not bleed right away.

 Ah, I've never had a deep wound so I just assumed there would be blood :-p

Ya me neither but ive had to stab a couple motherfuckers b4..


LOL joke.

I am WEEzY. You can suck my Nintendo loving BALLS!



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wow i could not believe how calm that guy was after being stabbed by those scissors i would of kicked that guys ass.

Nintendo Network ID: Sherlock99

ya hate to sound like a dick...

but i would drag that fat ass outside and give him THE beating of his life time.

I am WEEzY. You can suck my Nintendo loving BALLS!



Geez what's up with throwing sharp things? That's the dumbest thing to do... Especially over a game.

If they were messing with me and the scissors were the closest thing to me I would throw them too.

jesus, i guess he thought the dull end of the scissors would hit the other guy, LOL

kinda like throwing a stapler at someone and stapling their eye