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Forums - Nintendo Discussion - Why the hell does the Internet have a vendetta against Nintendo?

pokoko said:

The use of "charm", "heart", and "whimsical" on a large-scale basis?  Yes, yes I am.

The emotional connection part?  No, not at all, though I think it is more pronouced with Nintendo fans.  You'll hear more people say, "I love Nintendo as a company," or, "Nintendo is a friend to all children," than with the other two.  There are a lot of people who have something of a disconnect between Microsoft and Xbox or between Sony and Playstation.  However, Nintendo is Nintendo.

If possible I would like you to give some examples, I don't I think I have ever seen a Nintendo fan saying the words "charm", "heart" or "whimsical" when referring to the company. I have seen them saying Nintendo games have a special charm (which is basically true) but that's about it.

Nintendo and PC gamer

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"Leave nintendo alone!"

basically half the threads on this forum lately.

Nintendo faces criticism and all of a sudden they're the victim. But seeing Sony be bashed for years over PS3 and constantly bashed today for their financial woes and none of you guys whine about that happening. Nintendo is getting the same treatment Sony has gotten. It's just that most of you feel that Nintendo should be untouchable because theirs is the first game controller you've ever touched.

Because we are all part of the big third party conspiracy to destroy Nintendo and finaly being able to play the glorious mario games on our PS4s and X1s and also we are all jealous at how good nintendo games are compared to anything else and at how skillful Nintendo fans have become from playing such true hardcore games. But soon we will destroy you Nintendo Mouhahahahahahahaha!!!!!!!!!!!

Bet reminder: I bet with Tboned51 that Splatoon won't reach the 1 million shipped mark by the end of 2015. I win if he loses and I lose if I lost.

osed125 said:

pokoko said:

The use of "charm", "heart", and "whimsical" on a large-scale basis?  Yes, yes I am.

The emotional connection part?  No, not at all, though I think it is more pronouced with Nintendo fans.  You'll hear more people say, "I love Nintendo as a company," or, "Nintendo is a friend to all children," than with the other two.  There are a lot of people who have something of a disconnect between Microsoft and Xbox or between Sony and Playstation.  However, Nintendo is Nintendo.

If possible I would like you to give some examples, I don't I think I have ever seen a Nintendo fan saying the words "charm", "heart" or "whimsical" when referring to the company. I have seen them saying Nintendo games have a special charm (which is basically true) but that's about it.

Oh the irony!!!

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Cause if all these haters talked like this in real life they would get shit kicked, so they do their shit talking online.

padib said:

Most people enjoy bashing Nintendo because they don't respect their success, they don't respect their market decisions and most of all they hate their fans as being some form of sub-gamer that doesn't know games.

Sub gamer that do not know games? I think you have that backwards. Most dislike thier fans because they present a smugness about them (and this is mostly at Nintendo only fans, not those who actually branched out to like all forms of gaming), akin to Nintendo in the 90s where they feel that their gaming perference is absolute and feels the need belittle those who do not share their mindset.

When the company is strong they like to make their presence known, when Nintendo is weak...its everyone elses fault.

padib said:

Most people enjoy bashing Nintendo because they don't respect their success, they don't respect their market decisions and most of all they hate their fans as being some form of sub-gamer that doesn't know games.

I have to agree with padib here.

There's absolutely nothing wrong with criticizing Nintendo for bone-headed business decisions or unreasonable sales goals, or for going its own way as the industry shifts in the opposite direction (although that's something I admire about Nintendo, personally).

But there is an undercurrent of disrespect and bitterness beneath much of the criticism (not all, but some). I truly believe many video game enthusiasts are still frustrated about the success of the Wii because it was, for lack of a better term, a "softcore" console. I also believe that Nintendo's philosophy of design -- relatively underpowered, family-friendly, and local multiplayer-focused -- offends the sensibilities of these same fans.

chapset said:
Because we are all part of the big third party conspiracy to destroy Nintendo and finaly being able to play the glorious mario games on our PS4s and X1s and also we are all jealous at how good nintendo games are compared to anything else and at how skillful Nintendo fans have become from playing such true hardcore games. But soon we will destroy you Nintendo Mouhahahahahahahaha!!!!!!!!!!!

Shhhh we're not supposed to let them know yet

Viltgance said:
Cause if these haters talked like this in real life they would get shit kicked, so they do their shit talking online.

Yeah I'm sure someone would want to fight if they heard someone bashing their console of choice lol.