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Forums - Nintendo Discussion - Why so much Kirby?

We haven't had a Kirby can in more than a year, right? How is that "too much."?

Besides, if this Kirby game that is coming out on the 3DS is as good as Super Star Ultra, then I'll want even more.

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The games sell exceptionally well in Japan, which is always Nintendo's number one priority.

There is no such thing as too much Kirby!!!

Oh wait... I guess there is...

It's simple to develop, and it's good for kids. And that's what Nintendo seems to value above most things these days.

Currently playing:

Bloodbath Paddy Wagon Ultra 9

I can't understand why anyone would not like Kirby...


NNID: FrequentFlyer54

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F-Zero, as great as it is, sold 640,000 F-Zero GX and a measly 160,000 for F-Zero GP Legends. Kirby's latest main installments, Kirby Return to Dreamland and Kirby Mass Attack sold 1.59 million and 910,000 respectably. Metroid sells OK with Metroid Prime 3 at 1.77 million and Other M at 1.25 million. StarFox sold substantially better than F-Zero, with StarFox 64 3D at 770,000 and Star Fox Command at 510,000. This is why they're focusing more on Kirby, and by the numbers, Metroid is bound to be next to recieve attention in the near future., then StarFox, and lastly F-Zero if you account it by sales.

I would go so far as to suggest that Kirby has actually gotten less attention recently...
We're finally getting a Kirby game for 3DS...
The DS had two Kirby games in its first two years...
And I believe ended up getting four overall...

Have a nice day...

Dream_While_Awake said:
snyps said:
didn't iwata program on the original kirby titles? I always thought it was a case of the guy in charge choosing his own franchises to spotlight.

This is the best answer I've seen so far. I forgot that Iwata did Kirby...makes sense. Although, another reason to replace him...

Jizz_Beard_thePirate said:

Are you saying that you don't want Nintendo to give as much attention as the rest of their series? How can you say that when Kirby is so damn cute!!!

Kirby is adorable and all but is again, another platformer. I would totally give Kirby up for a gen if that gave Star Fox another game. Although, having both and having less Mario would be the ideal answer.


 Wrong. kirby is Sakurai's son. Sakurai has a lot to do with kirby, he even voice king dedede!


3DS code: 1289-8222-7215

NNid: Menx064

I don't think there is so much Kirby, there's only like 1 or 2 Kirby games per system. It's just that Kirby remained active because Kirby(and Yoshi) can appeal to audiences that other Nintendo franchises don't normally appeal to.
Meanwhile, I would think Zelda, Mario, Kart, and SSB already appeal to most of the F-Zero and StarFox crowd.

NintendoPie said:
We haven't had a Kirby can in more than a year, right? How is that "too much."?

Wow, it's been a whole year since the last Kirby? 

It only took Pikmin 9 years, Star Fox has waited 7 years since the last new release, F-Zero is also 9 years. Yoshi skipped the GC & Wii (though had HH games) and Luigi's Mansion took over a decade to see a Sequel despite selling well.

Everyone seems to be offended and thinks I trashed Kirby. I find it kind of funny actually. I didn't realize Kirby was so popular on here. I'm not ripping on him, just wondering why he sees multiple releases a gen when others get put on the shelf to die.