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Forums - Sales Discussion - Did DMC4 360 really outsell the PS3 version in EU?

It is easily the biggest console market in the EU Mike. It is not a 'small' minority at all. For example, Germany is quite populated and wealthy, but its a tiny console market, due to the prominence of the PC.

starcraft - Playing Games = FUN, Talking about Games = SERIOUS

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Legend11 said:
MikeB said:
mrstickball said:
MikeB - ever notice that the UK is a much, much larger market than the markets your talking about, and *maybe* the fact the UK version sold about 1.5:1 would be enough to merely send the X360 version 4,000 units over the PS3?

Europe is made up of many small markets, the UK market is a small market as well, which by itself is a small minority of the whole.

Are you kidding?  The UK is by far the biggest console videogame market overthere.  Also although Mrstickball was being cautious in his numbers (probably to not set off insecure fanboys) the truth is that DMC4 360 is outselling it's PS3 counterpart in the UK by 2:1.  In the very market in Europe that DMC4 has it's biggest appeal by far.  I'm willing to bet more copies of the game were sold in the UK than the rest of Europe combined.

Maths arent your thing are they ?The versions sold 61-39 per cent ,so if the 360 was outselling the PS3 version by 2-1 it should have sold 78 units for each 39 the PS3 was sellling .Not 61 .

 Besides ,the PS3 has 1 million in UK and 3 and something millions in other countries ,why in hell should the UK sales be higher than the overseas sales with just 1/3 of the userbase ?ANd with the 360 it has 2/5 of its userbase in UK .

 We have Sweden ,Netherlands and Germany sales and PS3 is above 360 version .If you want Spain ,Italy and France numbers you will get them this week ,all of them with the PS3 version around number one and the 360 version not even in the Top Ten or making a 7-8 position at best .Face it ,PS3 version outsold the 360 in Europe .


starcraft said:
It is easily the biggest console market in the EU Mike. It is not a 'small' minority at all. For example, Germany is quite populated and wealthy, but its a tiny console market, due to the prominence of the PC.

Look let's make it simple. Sony shipped almost 50 million PS2 units to Europe (~45 millon by March 2007). Are there anywhere near 25 million PS2 units in the UK? Answer: No, not by a long shot.

Naughty Dog: "At Naughty Dog, we're pretty sure we should be able to see leaps between games on the PS3 that are even bigger than they were on the PS2."

PS3 vs 360 sales

What mike was saying was that even being the biggest individual market the UK does not constitute more than ~20% of the total European console market.

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Salamursu said:
What mike was saying was that even being the biggest individual market the UK does not constitute more than ~20% of the total European console market.

Correct according to Sony, the UK accounts for 20-22% of its PS3 business within Europe. For the UK the 1 million install base milestone hit a short while ago, meaning based on these figures about 4.8 million PS3 were sold in Europe around the time.

Also interesting:

"Reeves went on the claim that in certain European territories, such as France, Spain, Germany and Italy – plus some smaller markets like Switzerland – the PS3's "current cumulative installed base" is now higher than Xbox 360."

We can probably add Belgium, Portugal, Norway and Austria to those list of countries. Countries like the Netherlands and Sweden are apparently close to figures where the PS3 has already overtaken or is about to overtake the 360 install base.

Note, "others" for VGChartz is greater than just Europe alone, add another 200K for Australia and that's a well rounded 5 million, then you have an endless list of countries /regions we have very little data from such as India, Indonesia, South America, etc, etc.

Compare 5+ million with 4.15 million claimed by VGChartz then I think we can assume there are some significant tracking problems.

Naughty Dog: "At Naughty Dog, we're pretty sure we should be able to see leaps between games on the PS3 that are even bigger than they were on the PS2."

PS3 vs 360 sales

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kamil said:
Are you kidding? The UK is by far the biggest console videogame market overthere. Also although Mrstickball was being cautious in his numbers (probably to not set off insecure fanboys) the truth is that DMC4 360 is outselling it's PS3 counterpart in the UK by 2:1.

No, mrstickball wasn't cautious, he simply knew what he was saying. Exact ratio was 61:39.

 i havent read that link but i did read a report on a gaming site that said 61% to 360 version and 39% to PS3 & PC version. so im willing to bet its closer to 2:1 than 1.5:1.


176k copies were sold of the game in europe. im willing to bet UK had over half that as DMC is more popular in UK than other europe. just for analysis purposes lets say 100k

 that would leave 360 with 61,000 in UK and PS3 with less than 39,000. is it really that hard to believe 360 version sold 30k everywhere else and PS3 50k, its a 20k difference thats quite a bit. in places where it was dmc 4 ps3 then dmc 4 360 one spot below sales probably differed by 1 - 2k at and only a couple hundred in smaller markets.

 Guys seriously do some analysis before spouting shit. if 360 version sold 20k more (110k) then it would be reason to bring this up, but its so close and above numbers show that it is not impossible for 360 to have sold more. PS3 selling better in more markets, is now where near enough evidence. 

Townzy_89 said:
kamil said:
Are you kidding? The UK is by far the biggest console videogame market overthere. Also although Mrstickball was being cautious in his numbers (probably to not set off insecure fanboys) the truth is that DMC4 360 is outselling it's PS3 counterpart in the UK by 2:1.

No, mrstickball wasn't cautious, he simply knew what he was saying. Exact ratio was 61:39.

i havent read that link but i did read a report on a gaming site that said 61% to 360 version and 39% to PS3 & PC version.

 A release date for the PC version is yet to be announced.

Naughty Dog: "At Naughty Dog, we're pretty sure we should be able to see leaps between games on the PS3 that are even bigger than they were on the PS2."

PS3 vs 360 sales

Oh and mike, dont bring up that UK is only 20% of total europe. it might be in console sales (hardware) but im willing to bet software sells better in UK so higher % than 20, probably closer to 30% of software sales and DMC is way more popular in UK and not so much popular in most of the other markets, so if DMC has above average sales in UK and below average in all other that 30% now increases 10% each way and 50% is not impossible (10% more for below av sales in others and 10% more for above av in UK)

Diomedes1976 said:
Legend11 said:
MikeB said:
mrstickball said:
MikeB - ever notice that the UK is a much, much larger market than the markets your talking about, and *maybe* the fact the UK version sold about 1.5:1 would be enough to merely send the X360 version 4,000 units over the PS3?

Europe is made up of many small markets, the UK market is a small market as well, which by itself is a small minority of the whole.

Are you kidding?  The UK is by far the biggest console videogame market overthere.  Also although Mrstickball was being cautious in his numbers (probably to not set off insecure fanboys) the truth is that DMC4 360 is outselling it's PS3 counterpart in the UK by 2:1.  In the very market in Europe that DMC4 has it's biggest appeal by far.  I'm willing to bet more copies of the game were sold in the UK than the rest of Europe combined.

Maths arent your thing are they ?The versions sold 61-39 per cent ,so if the 360 was outselling the PS3 version by 2-1 it should have sold 78 units for each 39 the PS3 was sellling .Not 61 .

I made a mistake, I had 66-34 on the brain (still not 2:1 but close enough).  Anyways math doesn't have an "s", maybe English is my thing?

LOL at the folks that continue to present info to MikeB ...

See wall - lower head - accelerate - ram at full force - to get the same effect as arguing with him.

Why is it a shocker if the 360 version outsold the PS3 version? Are folks so blind to think that 'Because-because-because DMC1, 2 and 3 were on tah Playstation, it will sell better on tah Playstation.'

Deal with it - Japan is the only reason why it outsold the 360 version anyhow. And trust me - I would rather have the small load times vs. a mandatory install to play the game. I am surprised that many PS3 owners even bought the game.