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kamil said:
Are you kidding? The UK is by far the biggest console videogame market overthere. Also although Mrstickball was being cautious in his numbers (probably to not set off insecure fanboys) the truth is that DMC4 360 is outselling it's PS3 counterpart in the UK by 2:1.

No, mrstickball wasn't cautious, he simply knew what he was saying. Exact ratio was 61:39.

 i havent read that link but i did read a report on a gaming site that said 61% to 360 version and 39% to PS3 & PC version. so im willing to bet its closer to 2:1 than 1.5:1.


176k copies were sold of the game in europe. im willing to bet UK had over half that as DMC is more popular in UK than other europe. just for analysis purposes lets say 100k

 that would leave 360 with 61,000 in UK and PS3 with less than 39,000. is it really that hard to believe 360 version sold 30k everywhere else and PS3 50k, its a 20k difference thats quite a bit. in places where it was dmc 4 ps3 then dmc 4 360 one spot below sales probably differed by 1 - 2k at and only a couple hundred in smaller markets.

 Guys seriously do some analysis before spouting shit. if 360 version sold 20k more (110k) then it would be reason to bring this up, but its so close and above numbers show that it is not impossible for 360 to have sold more. PS3 selling better in more markets, is now where near enough evidence.