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Forums - General Discussion - Toshiba to exit HD DVD, end format war-NHK

Woot, the format war is finally over, Toshiba has finally conceded, yippee!!!

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madskillz said:
Bingoo said:
good thing, blu ray was clearly the better format for most things


How so? How is it better for most things? Enquiring minds want to know.

 Compared to hd-dvd its advantage was primarily in storage which in turn gave it an advantage in terms of audio because they could fit lossless audio on the BDs. HD-dvd had an edge in terms of hi def extras like pip however by now bluray has caught up in this field as well. Ultimately though Sony just executed their gameplay better than Toshiba and they came prepared.( I suppose owning a couple of movie studios and being one of the leaders in the console industry didn't hurt)





well... guess my next laptop will come with a blu-ray burner!

the Wii is an epidemic.

In the end HD DVD had an advantage in capacity, as the DVD forum approved 51gb DVD's......

starcraft - Playing Games = FUN, Talking about Games = SERIOUS

Too bad we will soon have Blu-ray disks holding 100GB and they are already testing 200GB...

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It's a simple game plan Sony has used. This time round they have gone for bigger storage, where as last time round (Betamax) was a smaller storage size to VHS. It seems that bigger (if just a little bit more) is better.

Good to see this site is still going 

storage had nothing to do with the win. It was the fact they crammed it into the PS3.

I jsut hope they finallise the blu-ray standard soon and it gets approved.



i would love to gloat at certain people, but i can't remember who tried to convince me HDDVD was going to win. :p

with the walmart commitment i hope to see some good price reductions... $20 for new and $15 for rereleases sounds good!

well i think it was ovius that they would stop

tag:"reviews only matter for the real hardcore gamer"

Cobretti2 said:
storage had nothing to do with the win. It was the fact they crammed it into the PS3.

I jsut hope they finallise the blu-ray standard soon and it gets approved.

 True it was crammed into the PS3. It would probably be a stalemate now if that didn't happen.

Good to see this site is still going