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Forums - Gaming Discussion - Will the X1 ever be able to pass the Wii U?

zorg1000 said:
lt_dan_27 said:
spurgeonryan said:

Not unless it cracks the Japanese code.


So no.

Maybe if Microsoft immediately dumps the 360 like they did the original xbox.


agree? or what do you think mister/misses sales expert?

They dumped the xbox immediately because it was a horrible selling console, and  they could never dream of making a profit. The 360 is still very profitable. The xbox one will overtake the wiiU pretty fast. In just a couple of weeks, it was at half the sales. I don't see the wiiU's current sales being a new trend. I'm betting they die down by the end of January.  The sales being recorded are still from christmas, so I'm betting they drop off pretty sharply afterward. I think the ps4 will overtake the wiiU by the end of January, and the xbox one will overtake the wiiU by spring. 

While I agree that One will outsell Wii U at some point, saying One is already at half its sales doesnt really say much considering Wii U had similar launch sales in 2012 but dropped immediately. One is already doing pretty poor in Europe without stock issues and sales in Japan will have little to no affect on sales. That basically leaves America as a place that One can soundly outsell Wii U but with PS4 likely being the preffered console among hardcore gamers and the $300 vs $500 price difference between One and U, its possible that the difference wont be huge.

I wouldnt be surprised if One has a huge drop off in the early part of this year, not as bad as Wii U drop off was last year due to 3rd party support and TitanFall but most of its games will be on PS3/360/PS4/PC so its not a gaurantee that sales will remain very strong.

On the other hand, Wii U sales have been strong in Japan recently and there have been alot of reports of Wii U selling out in America which is most likely because retailers didnt order alot but it at least shows there has been demand for it over the holidays. Whether or not this is just a holiday boost remains to be seen but with Donkey Kong releasing in Feb and Mario Kart likely in April, there is a strong chance that Wii U sales remain steady throughout the early parts of the year.

With that said, I do believe Xbox One will pass Wii U eventually just not necessarily as early as u believe. Once Halo releases and a price cut happens then I see sales picking up drastically. Maybe late 2014 or some time in 2015.

You have a point. People should also take into consideration that WiiU, being different in character, may be the best candidate for being the second or alternative console in a household. People who already own an X1 or a PS4 are more likely to get a WiiU than a PS4 or X1 respectively.

This, I stole from grandpa...It's called soap.

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never. why should u buy a xbone if u arnt s))a ms diehardfan? ps4 is cheaper and more powerfull(and has better exklusivs). we will see many wii Us as second consoles when kart and smash are out and the price is cut.

No question.
Ps4 is already on its way to steamrolling right over the Wii U
while the Xbone is more then poised to deliver the knockout punch even with the great lineup that the Wii U had this holiday it hasn't made much of a difference.
With TitanFall on its way I fully expect the Xbone to crush the U's head start within a month of TitanFalls release.
It won't be much of a feat for the Xbone or PS4 since the Wii U has only sold a little more than 5 million in 56 weeks while the PsBone have put up an average of 3 million units in a little less than 8 weeks.

The better question would be whether the Wii U can reclaim the lead once the Ps4 and Xbone squash it in a few months.

generic-user-1 said:
never. why should u buy a xbone if u arnt s))a ms diehardfan? ps4 is cheaper and more powerfull(and has better exklusivs). we will see many wii Us as second consoles when kart and smash are out and the price is cut.

Stop it son, you are too young for such a debate. You're just too fresh for something you don't understand. This aint the 87 you've heard stories about.

Ex Graphics Whore.

Yes, and sooner rather than later. I expect it will happen by mid 2014, with the family-friendly WiiU lineup continuing to fail to entice family consumers due to the machine's alienating controller and resultingly high pricepoint (relative to other/previous family-focused machines).

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The Wii U will likely drop off in Japan once the PS4 launches. I'd hazard a bet that the X1 will probably shift a few hundred thousand units in Japan when it launches there as well.

I wonder if China is going to play a major role this generation now that China has relaxed it's rules on consoles?


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TimCliveroller said:
generic-user-1 said:
never. why should u buy a xbone if u arnt s))a ms diehardfan? ps4 is cheaper and more powerfull(and has better exklusivs). we will see many wii Us as second consoles when kart and smash are out and the price is cut.

Stop it son, you are too young for such a debate. You're just too fresh for something you don't understand. This aint the 87 you've heard stories about.

pff i dont fear the rage of 15 year old M$ fans... back in my days we had segafans, they were awesome(well if i look now on them).

ahh the great war... so long ago.. ohhh they were so brave. im miss em and i miss the nintendont and the constant fire of blastprocessed fanboys...

but we got em with the powerglove

MyCodenameIsIan said:
The Wii U will likely drop off in Japan once the PS4 launches. I'd hazard a bet that the X1 will probably shift a few hundred thousand units in Japan when it launches there as well.

I wonder if China is going to play a major role this generation now that China has relaxed it's rules on consoles?

dude Xbox 360 sold 22k in 2013 in Japan. theres no way Msoft is going to ship "few hundred of thounsand" unless they want to fill stock for 2 years lol

China? Piracy land you say? None of the big three want to deal with China. nobody pays for games there. and they dont usually make much money on HW. its all about SW.

And really? WiiU drop off in Japan with MK8 and DKCR coming in 1Q 2014? hah i dont think so.


Really nice avatar and sig thou. ill give you that ;)

It will, I expect it to do quite well overall. Especially when price cuts come into the equation in the future. I think the X1 one will appeal/address the needs of more consumers than the WiiU ever will :/

I predict that the Wii U will sell a total of 18 million units in its lifetime. 

The NX will be a 900p machine

Maybe. Probably.

I don't care either way - I own and enjoy both!