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MyCodenameIsIan said:
The Wii U will likely drop off in Japan once the PS4 launches. I'd hazard a bet that the X1 will probably shift a few hundred thousand units in Japan when it launches there as well.

I wonder if China is going to play a major role this generation now that China has relaxed it's rules on consoles?

dude Xbox 360 sold 22k in 2013 in Japan. theres no way Msoft is going to ship "few hundred of thounsand" unless they want to fill stock for 2 years lol

China? Piracy land you say? None of the big three want to deal with China. nobody pays for games there. and they dont usually make much money on HW. its all about SW.

And really? WiiU drop off in Japan with MK8 and DKCR coming in 1Q 2014? hah i dont think so.


Really nice avatar and sig thou. ill give you that ;)