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Forums - Gaming Discussion - Prediction: Which console will be in first place by the end of 2014?


Which console will have the most Lifetime sales by the end of 2014?

Wii U 210 25.55%
PS4 569 69.22%
Xbox One 42 5.11%

71 people, wow. So besides Zero can those 70 people give an explanation as to why they think WiiU will be first?

Sigs are dumb. And so are you!

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Ps4>Wii U>X1

How can 20% of people be thinking that WiiU can keep the lead? PS4 sells several times faster with less games, no stock, one territory less and a smaller potential audience. WiiU sales will collapse in January once Xmas shoppers are back home. PS4 and Xbone will just keep selling the same as the stock situation come back to normal, and by that time the new wave of software including Watchdogs, Metal Gear, Titanfall, Driveclub and Infamous will be here to lift sales again.

ryuzaki57 said:
How can 20% of people be thinking that WiiU can keep the lead? PS4 sells several times faster with less games, no stock, one territory less and a smaller potential audience. WiiU sales will collapse in January once Xmas shoppers are back home. PS4 and Xbone will just keep selling the same as the stock situation come back to normal, and by that time the new wave of software including Watchdogs, Metal Gear, Titanfall, Driveclub and Infamous will be here to lift sales again.

Half are kidding themselves, the other half would click WiiU even if PS4 was price cut to $1 and had 20 million units shipping this week, they simply can't bring themselves to cick PS4.


I can say the Wii U may have more sells than the PS4 if we can account a healthy software sales to boost hardware sales substantially. The Wii U is currently in a lead, even if it may change in the next 6 months. When and if the Wii U is still in the lead, it will the difference will be in the 100,000's .

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I voted for Wii U, because I believe that Mario Kart and Super Smash Bros. could very well sell a lot of systems. To be honest, it's a toss up between all three to me, I have no idea who will be in the lead. I have already purchased a PS4, so I won't be adding another sale to it, but I have yet to purchase a Wii U, so I could add a sale to that. I am not very interested in the XB1.


Some Nintendo fans on this website are really funny. Especially that one guy who said:

Zero999 said:

 like FF 15 (if it's 2014), still have lot's of time to be confirmed for wii u.

Keep it real man! You know that WiiU won't handle this game. There is no chance it will be specially ported for a console with no support for 3rd parties and weak hardware specs.  Your just making yourself look like a joke. 

Remember the lesson that X360 learned us during previous generation. 

It's 3rd party support and online features that are selling consoles. Not exclusives!


That being said, I predict: 

1st place: Playstation 4 (with sales over 10 million)

2nd place: Xbox One ( with little help from Halo in USA)

3rd place: Wii U (it still be below 10 million this year) 

Wii u sold just shy of 4 million by end of March last year with minimal sales made in February and March. We are only at 5 million currently and moving into the dead period of Jan-March where not many will be sold.

So only about a million consoles have been sold approx and thats despite a few key titles being available for the christmas period. Mario kart may sell consoles but going by its release date and how much business Mario 3D World did I'm not optimistic.

I think its clear wii u will probably sell poorly. Through most of 2013 the original wii was often outselling it, at least in Europe and that may continue in 2014. I think Nintendo are going to be under a lot of pressure to reduce the wii u price or it simply won't be stocked by many retailers.

Ps4, followed by Xone and waaaay down the WiiU on life support, after neither major release changing its course of becoming the GC 2.

Like it or not, this is the way Im seeing it. This gen is a 2 way race in the home console market.

Vote the Mayor for Mayor!

Most likely PS4. But I am still rooting for Wii U.
