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Forums - Gaming Discussion - Prediction: Which console will be in first place by the end of 2014?


Which console will have the most Lifetime sales by the end of 2014?

Wii U 210 25.55%
PS4 569 69.22%
Xbox One 42 5.11%
Seece said:
garretslarrity said:
I shall start by admitting that I am a biased Nintendo fan. I really want the Wii U to win, but I had to choose PS4.

I actually think the Wii U can win in the long run, but not by the end of 2014. Kart, Smash, and DK will certainly help, but a price cut is what the Wii U really needs, preferably before these games come out. If Nintendo is willing to take some risk, I think they should do a $100 price cut before any of these games out. If they actually do that, then I can easily see the Wii U beating the PS4 by the end of 2014. I do not know how much it costs Nintendo to manufacture a Wii U, but I don't think that it would be a bad idea for them to take a loss on the console (or a bigger one if they are already) in order to increase software sales. I don't think its likely, but Nintendo could risk losing relevancy, which is far worse than losing money.

The only I can say that is certain is that nothing is certain. (I'm loosely quoting someone but have no idea whom). At this point, anything could happen. No doubt 2014 will be an extremely crucial year.

How can WiiU win when it doesn't have the third party games? PS4 and then XB1 will be 'gamers' choice, and as for the rest, even during thr Wii days it was a small market than gamers buying PS360. They're long gone anyway. Has a year of selling abysmaly not signalled to you that very few are interested in the WiiU?

1.  Third Party Games:  In the seventh generation, it was common to see someone with a Wii and a PS3, or a Wii and a 360, but rare to see someone with both a PS3 and a 360.  My point is that people will not buy the Wii U if they all they are looking for is the third games.  They will do it for the Nintendo exclusives, (like Kart, Smash, etc.) as they have in the past.  A big price drop in the Wii U will make it possible for gamers to have two eigth generation systems.  Though since people would not want buy two consoles in a short timeframe, this is another reason why I think the Wii U has a chance long term, but not by the end of 2014.


2.  Previous Abysmal Sales:  The main problem with the Wii U early on (other than the higher price) was the small game library.  As time progresses, the Wii U will become more of a value.  I mentioned earlier that I am a Nintendo fan, but I do not own a Wii U.  At $300, there are not enough games out there for it to be worth it to buy one.  I am waiting for the next price drop, even if it means having to wait for months after both Kart and Smash come out.  My situation is by no means atypical.  There are many people who have already decided that they will buy a Wii U, but are just waiting for it to be worth it for them.

NNID: garretslarrity

Steam: garretslarrity

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Seece said:
JoeTheBro said:

In your first post you said exclusive. Now you are talking about multiplats? iOy dios mio!

yeah? Because he brought it up. I said exclusive because it's a given Halo and Uncharted will outsell every WIiU multiplat. Perhaps I should have said Halo and Uncharted would outsell every WiiU game?

Edit - XD oh he said MULTIPLES, I read that as multiplats. You can't blame me, he's come out with some ... wild stuff.

Still, no there won't be multiple WiiU games to outsell Halo lol.

Haha no problem. I don't think anyone is crazy enough to predict a multiplat will beat those games.

Kart and Smash both have good chances of outselling Halo though.

JoeTheBro said:
Seece said:
JoeTheBro said:

In your first post you said exclusive. Now you are talking about multiplats? iOy dios mio!

yeah? Because he brought it up. I said exclusive because it's a given Halo and Uncharted will outsell every WIiU multiplat. Perhaps I should have said Halo and Uncharted would outsell every WiiU game?

Edit - XD oh he said MULTIPLES, I read that as multiplats. You can't blame me, he's come out with some ... wild stuff.

Still, no there won't be multiple WiiU games to outsell Halo lol.

Haha no problem. I don't think anyone is crazy enough to predict a multiplat will beat those games.

Kart and Smash both have good chances of outselling Halo though.

I see Kart and Smash being more slow burners, and the userbases being on par by the end of 2014. I see Halo getting a lot of Halo fans to jump on board than MK and Smash fans.

360 userbase was around 6.3m in US when Halo 3 launched, and it did 3.3m in the US launch month.

That's US only. Massive.


Orlik666 said:


Some Nintendo fans on this website are really funny. Especially that one guy who said:

Zero999 said:

 like FF 15 (if it's 2014), still have lot's of time to be confirmed for wii u.

Keep it real man! You know that WiiU won't handle this game. There is no chance it will be specially ported for a console with no support for 3rd parties and weak hardware specs.  Your just making yourself look like a joke. 

Remember the lesson that X360 learned us during previous generation. 

It's 3rd party support and online features that are selling consoles. Not exclusives!


That being said, I predict: 

1st place: Playstation 4 (with sales over 10 million)

2nd place: Xbox One ( with little help from Halo in USA)

3rd place: Wii U (it still be below 10 million this year) 

bolded: any ps4/xone game can run on wii u, this is an old subject. and from the FF 15 example, the actual gameplay footage could be running decently on a ps360.

bolded2: maybe that's why wii dominated thanks to it's exclusives and not online focused games.

@ Zero, Watchdogs ect are cross gen stuff, later on when GTA6, Elder Scrolls ____ ect comes along, WiiU wouldn't be able to handle it. Not that it'll get them anyway, the devs don't like Nintendo home consoles.


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Depends on Nintendo and WiiU performance. it will be close between PS4 and WiiU. Still i think PS4 will come slighltly above.
Xbox has zero chances.

I think the PS4 will take an early lead, overtaking the Wii U around Q2, and ending the year ahead. Xbox will be behind, but not by much. But that's just for 2014. In the long run, it's hard to say, but I think both PS4 and Xbox were overhyped, and won't be as big as everyone says. When the dust settles and gen 9 starts, things are going to be closer than we think.

Figgycal said:
toastboy44562 said:
Xbox One America sales>Wii U total sales by the end of 2014. You guys are crazy to think Wii U will have more sales than Xbox One

Indeed. People seem to forget that Halo is coming out next year as well. The only way I see PS4 outselling Xbox One next year is if 1. The Last Guardian comes out for PS4. or 2. The next Halo underperforms horribly.

If there's a price cut for Wii U around the time that Mario Kart comes out however; I think there's a good chance it'll at least compete with the other 2 consoles next holiday season. There's no chance Wii U outsells them for the year though. There's another huge drought for the Wii U next year.

could you talk more about this "drought"? because wii u is getting a big release as soon as february, with mario kart following shortly and lot's of games to distribute throughout the year.

Seece said:
JoeTheBro said:
Seece said:
JoeTheBro said:

In your first post you said exclusive. Now you are talking about multiplats? iOy dios mio!

yeah? Because he brought it up. I said exclusive because it's a given Halo and Uncharted will outsell every WIiU multiplat. Perhaps I should have said Halo and Uncharted would outsell every WiiU game?

Edit - XD oh he said MULTIPLES, I read that as multiplats. You can't blame me, he's come out with some ... wild stuff.

Still, no there won't be multiple WiiU games to outsell Halo lol.

Haha no problem. I don't think anyone is crazy enough to predict a multiplat will beat those games.

Kart and Smash both have good chances of outselling Halo though.

I see Kart and Smash being more slow burners, and the userbases being on par by the end of 2014. I see Halo getting a lot of Halo fans to jump on board than MK and Smash fans.

360 userbase was around 6.3m in US when Halo 3 launched, and it did 3.3m in the US launch month.

That's US only. Massive.

The 360 had a much higher install base when Halo 3 launched. Looking at the charts the 360 was at 15.8 million global sales by the end of 2007. With Halo 5 coming only a year after launch instead of two, even with your optimistic predictions the XBONE will have a smaller install base (realistically it'll have a much smaller install base lol). Long term the game can still have great sales, but it's going to have a smaller opening.

Zero999 said:
Figgycal said:
toastboy44562 said:
Xbox One America sales>Wii U total sales by the end of 2014. You guys are crazy to think Wii U will have more sales than Xbox One

Indeed. People seem to forget that Halo is coming out next year as well. The only way I see PS4 outselling Xbox One next year is if 1. The Last Guardian comes out for PS4. or 2. The next Halo underperforms horribly.

If there's a price cut for Wii U around the time that Mario Kart comes out however; I think there's a good chance it'll at least compete with the other 2 consoles next holiday season. There's no chance Wii U outsells them for the year though. There's another huge drought for the Wii U next year.

could you talk more about this "drought"? because wii u is getting a big release as soon as february, with mario kart following shortly and lot's of games to distribute throughout the year.

what games is it getting in the first half??? Mario kart and Donkey Kong. Great. What about multiplats to pad it out? Cnsumers won't be happy with 2 games whatever they are.