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Orlik666 said:


Some Nintendo fans on this website are really funny. Especially that one guy who said:

Zero999 said:

 like FF 15 (if it's 2014), still have lot's of time to be confirmed for wii u.

Keep it real man! You know that WiiU won't handle this game. There is no chance it will be specially ported for a console with no support for 3rd parties and weak hardware specs.  Your just making yourself look like a joke. 

Remember the lesson that X360 learned us during previous generation. 

It's 3rd party support and online features that are selling consoles. Not exclusives!


That being said, I predict: 

1st place: Playstation 4 (with sales over 10 million)

2nd place: Xbox One ( with little help from Halo in USA)

3rd place: Wii U (it still be below 10 million this year) 

bolded: any ps4/xone game can run on wii u, this is an old subject. and from the FF 15 example, the actual gameplay footage could be running decently on a ps360.

bolded2: maybe that's why wii dominated thanks to it's exclusives and not online focused games.