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kingofwale said:
> by your reasoning there could be only 1 AAA game a year!

in today's day and age, there is arguably 4-5 games per year that can win GOTY, so those games are the true AAA titles. An AAA game should have no visible flaws (only one or two minor ones). Personally, a game with average score of over 9 at least.

Frankly, R&C isn't as good. It's a great PS3 title, just not AAA.

Okay, this crap about AAA has to stop. Everyone seems to have a different definition of it, so what's the point. It's like it been corrupted by overuse. If there were defintions for an AAA game, why are their debates over which games are AAA? I thought Ratchet was amazing. Just because a game isn't up for game of the year, doesn't mean it's definitely not AAA. Patapon will probably have an over 90/100, but it will not win game of the year. I dunno...........

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makingmusic476 said:
kingofwale said:
makingmusic476 said:

^^That'd be Resistance 2.

The bit about R&C being 60fps, I guess that means that R2 will be 60fps? And aren't the first screenshots 1920x1080? Is R2 going to be 1080p@60fps!?!


How could I forget that? lol, my mistake.

Although I'm not as a big pixel whore as I am a frame-rate whore. so I will go with 60fps at 720P if they can. R2 is going to be huge for PS3 in NA.


 Same here.  60fps > 1080p anyday.

Me 3 :) 

PSN ID: krik

Optimistic predictions for 2008 (Feb 5 2008): Wii = 20M, PS3 = 14M, X360 = 9.5M


izaaz101 said:
Someone feel free to correct me, but I think it was $20K and then got reduced to $10K, or was $10K and got reduced to $5K for a dev kit (assuming I correctly remembered from some article 2-3 months ago).

 First parties get Dev Kits for free. So Insomniac probably got them all for free. But this is horrible, lots of others developers were crying about no having a single dev kit (and were willing to pay 20k for each) and these guys had 150? LOL

 But, at least Sony sent them to the right people, these guys clearly know what to do with them 

PSN ID: krik

Optimistic predictions for 2008 (Feb 5 2008): Wii = 20M, PS3 = 14M, X360 = 9.5M


I wonder how they are able to work on two franchises and pump out a game every year with that small a dev team. It is simply incredible. When so many companies are complaining about programming for the PS3 being so hard and costing so much money and these

As to the power of the PS3 and 1080p 60fps, Gran Turismo 5 is supposed to have that along with tons of tracks and over 900 cars (from official playstation magazine). Including Daytona and Indianapolis ^^

I wouldn't be surprised at all if R2 runs in 1080p/60fps. I mean, Insomniac said they basically got all the physics calculations and some of the other "grunt work" off the GPU and CPU and into the SPUs. If that's true, it would be a lot easier to make the game run at 1080p. I do have to agree that I'd rather have 720p@60fps then 1080p@30fps. (while there is a difference between 1080p and 720p, it's not nearly as noticable in a game than the difference between 30fps and 60fps.)
You know, I wonder if the PS3 is actually capable of running 1080p@120fps like krazy ken said. If Insomniac is already close to 1080p@60fps, where will they be in 3 or 4 years? hmmm... (I know its not very likely, but who knows?)

Not trying to be a fanboy. Of course, it's hard when you own the best console eve... dang it

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Insomniac are very good dev's, and rather humble compared to many others with none of these accomplishments under their belt.
They are without a doubt one of the biggest assets Sony has, and Sony knows it. I'm not sure we'll see anyone deliver beyond Insomniac's capability this gen on the PS3, but if someone does it'll be their "brother" Naughty Dog for sure.

kingofwale said:
> by your reasoning there could be only 1 AAA game a year!

in today's day and age, there is arguably 4-5 games per year that can win GOTY, so those games are the true AAA titles. An AAA game should have no visible flaws (only one or two minor ones). Personally, a game with average score of over 9 at least.

Frankly, R&C isn't as good. It's a great PS3 title, just not AAA.

Ok, so ratchet and clank has an average rating of 89 on metacritic and since its not 90 its not AAA?

AAA generally means a big game for a system that is a great game. R&C got the same score as Gears of War  from Ign (9.4), and almost anyone considers Gears AAA.  

I also disagree that only GOTY contenders are AAA. Uncharted wasn't in the running for overall game of the year, but many considered it to be AAA and it won many ps3 game of the year awards.  

AA is a game that scores in the 80s generally, and i would consider a game like unreal tournament to be that.

Insomniacs games are at the least AA and a half, and most people consider them AAA 


dannyphantom105 said:
kingofwale said:
> by your reasoning there could be only 1 AAA game a year!

in today's day and age, there is arguably 4-5 games per year that can win GOTY, so those games are the true AAA titles. An AAA game should have no visible flaws (only one or two minor ones). Personally, a game with average score of over 9 at least.

Frankly, R&C isn't as good. It's a great PS3 title, just not AAA.

Ok, so ratchet and clank has an average rating of 89 on metacritic and since its not 90 its not AAA?

AAA generally means a big game for a system that is a great game. R&C got the same score as Gears of War  from Ign (9.4), and almost anyone considers Gears AAA.  

I also disagree that only GOTY contenders are AAA. Uncharted wasn't in the running for overall game of the year, but many considered it to be AAA and it won many ps3 game of the year awards.  

AA is a game that scores in the 80s generally, and i would consider a game like unreal tournament to be that.

Insomniacs games are at the least AA and a half, and most people consider them AAA 


The reason it has an 89 is because of gamespot giving it a 7.5, uncharted got a low score from them as well. I do consider those two games AAA titles in my opinion, not going by gamepost.



 2008 end of year predictions:

PS3: 22M

360: 25M

wii: 40M

Mummelmann said:
Insomniac are very good dev's, and rather humble compared to many others with none of these accomplishments under their belt.
They are without a doubt one of the biggest assets Sony has, and Sony knows it. I'm not sure we'll see anyone deliver beyond Insomniac's capability this gen on the PS3, but if someone does it'll be their "brother" Naughty Dog for sure.

 While I love ND, I think that Team ICO will be the most likely to truly maximize the potential of the ps3.  Who would've thought that a game like Shadow of the Colossus could be run ons such a system as the ps2.

Insomniac is the shit ever since they're first game they were amazing.