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Forums - Sales Discussion - PS4 Will Probably Outsell Wii U by Spring Globally - Michael Pachter

supernihilist said:
By March they ll be 6m WiiU vs 5.5m PS4

May sounds about right. Still we will have to wait what kind of a boost MK8 gives WiiU and how SW performs on PS4

you expect wii u to sell close to 0 units in 2/3 months?

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Of course it will... only if the Wii U sells 0 for the next two months... I mean really, do people think the PS4 outselling a console that is selling decently. I mean PS4 will reach 5 or 6 million by March no doubt but the Wii U IS still going to sell a significant amount of consoles with DKC:TF on February and Mario Kart 8 during April.

Seece said:
Zero999 said:

thank you for the useless thread derailment quote.

LOL love how you call pachter out, yet your predictions are far far worse. His will be much closer.

you entertain me with posts like this.

Zero999 said:
supernihilist said:
By March they ll be 6m WiiU vs 5.5m PS4

May sounds about right. Still we will have to wait what kind of a boost MK8 gives WiiU and how SW performs on PS4

you expect wii u to sell close to 0 units in 2/3 months?

That'll be closer than the 20 million you predicted for 2014. 

Sigs are dumb. And so are you!

Zero999 said:
Seece said:
Zero999 said:

thank you for the useless thread derailment quote.

LOL love how you call pachter out, yet your predictions are far far worse. His will be much closer.

you entertain me with posts like this.

Why? Yours entertains everybody elses being so wrong n all.


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Fusioncode said:
Zero999 said:

you expect wii u to sell close to 0 units in 2/3 months?

That'll be closer than the 20 million you predicted for 2014. 

your "arguments" are so powerfull that I'm speechless.

now, you got anything actually usefull to say?

Zero999 said:

I'm speechless.

Can't argue that. If I humiliated myself as much as you, I'd desperately try to dodge the point discussion and attempt to save face by distracting with petty personal insults too.

Let me be frank with you Zero, you're transparent. You're the emperor with no clothing. You're probably too stupid and pigheaded to come to terms with this, but it's probably better you stop posting and collect your thoughts better for next time... Not that I want you to, though, I don't think I have to worry about that. :)

This post was moderated by axumblade

end of 2013 sales will likely be 5.25m for Wii U and about 3.75m for PS4 so Wii U has about a 1.5m lead to start the year.

Q1 of this year will likely be better for Wii U than it was last year due to more improved library, cheaper entry point and a big hitter in Donkey Kong Country. According to Vgchartz Wii U sold about 600k from Dec 30 2012-Mar 30 2013 so I could see it doing between 750k-1.25m in Q1 putting it in the 6-6.5m range. Then in the Spring Mario Kart releases which will be big so I could see another 1-1.5m being sold by the end of June which would put it at 7-8m.

PS4 will still likely have supply issues in the west and is launching in Japan in Feb. Sony is forcasting 5m shipped by the end of Mar but we dont know if thats how much they can manufacture or if its a lowball number so they can exceed expectations. Ill say it will have sold 5-6m by the end of March. By Q2 the stock issue should be solved and it will have launched in all regions so we will start to see what its baseline sales are. Assuming that PS4 averages about 150k per week that would give it 2m for the quarter and 7-8m by the end of June.

By the end of Spring I have Wii U and PS4 both in the 7-8m range so PS4 may or may not pass it by then but either way it wil be close. PS4 will have soundly passed it by the end of the year though.

When the herd loses its way, the shepard must kill the bull that leads them astray.

Zero999 said:
Fusioncode said:
Zero999 said:

you expect wii u to sell close to 0 units in 2/3 months?

That'll be closer than the 20 million you predicted for 2014. 

your "arguments" are so powerfull that I'm speechless.

now, you got anything actually usefull to say?

Do you? Seriously ...


Zero999 said:
Fusioncode said:
Zero999 said:

you expect wii u to sell close to 0 units in 2/3 months?

That'll be closer than the 20 million you predicted for 2014. 

your "arguments" are so powerfull that I'm speechless.

now, you got anything actually usefull to say?

You're always speechless, at least when people want to ask you about your failed predictions. 

Sigs are dumb. And so are you!