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Forums - Sales Discussion - PS4 Will Probably Outsell Wii U by Spring Globally - Michael Pachter

Orlik666 said:

Nobody here in Europe care about smash and mario kart. For us those games are overrated and just boring.

You might want to look at the numbers for those 2 franchises again.  Especially for Mario Kart.

If nobody equals several million each then I'd love to sell my stuff to nobody in Europe.

The rEVOLution is not being televised

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eyeofcore said:
Faust said:
eyeofcore said:

Everyone makes mistakes, including you and me... But I don't make mistakes when comes to estimation and predictions because I do research and I look at smallest detail possible then I calculate all the variables, factors and effects of upcoming events. I don't think you have an eye for detail like I do...

allow me to be sceptical about this one.


Your last predicction was about Wii U to reach an install base of at least 12.5 million in worst case scenario and 18 million in best case scenario by end of 2014... Well in that case i would say wii u will sell 1 to 30,000,000 by the end of 2014. Pretty sure i cannot miss in this one = D

You are making a elephant out of a flee... Best case scenario is if Nintendo announces a couple of more exclusives from1st/2nd party and if 3rd party developers also make an exclusive.

still is a 5.5m margin. For someone who claims to be as precise as you, is hilarous.

eyeofcore said:
Faust said:
eyeofcore said:

Everyone makes mistakes, including you and me... But I don't make mistakes when comes to estimation and predictions because I do research and I look at smallest detail possible then I calculate all the variables, factors and effects of upcoming events. I don't think you have an eye for detail like I do...

allow me to be sceptical about this one.


Your last predicction was about Wii U to reach an install base of at least 12.5 million in worst case scenario and 18 million in best case scenario by end of 2014... Well in that case i would say wii u will sell 1 to 30,000,000 by the end of 2014. Pretty sure i cannot miss in this one = D

You are making a elephant out of a flee... Best case scenario is if Nintendo announces a couple of more exclusives from1st/2nd party and if 3rd party developers also make an exclusive.

im sorry but are you back tracking on your prediction?

oniyide said:
eyeofcore said:
Faust said:
eyeofcore said:

Everyone makes mistakes, including you and me... But I don't make mistakes when comes to estimation and predictions because I do research and I look at smallest detail possible then I calculate all the variables, factors and effects of upcoming events. I don't think you have an eye for detail like I do...

allow me to be sceptical about this one.


Your last predicction was about Wii U to reach an install base of at least 12.5 million in worst case scenario and 18 million in best case scenario by end of 2014... Well in that case i would say wii u will sell 1 to 30,000,000 by the end of 2014. Pretty sure i cannot miss in this one = D

You are making a elephant out of a flee... Best case scenario is if Nintendo announces a couple of more exclusives from1st/2nd party and if 3rd party developers also make an exclusive.

im sorry but are you back tracking on your prediction?

I am sorry... But I need to ask you this... Can you read or not?

I am not back tracking. 12.5 million is worst case scenario, 18 million is best possible if Nintendo makes all the right moves(more 1st/2nd/3rd party exclusives, persuade some 3rd party to jump back and bring some, if software sales are good then even dropping price to 250$ near holidays of 2014).

There was a recent rumor of another 3rd party exclusive and people are speculating, it could be Devil's Third which would be a bit smaller "Megaton" than Bayonetta 2 yet it could also be Shenmue 3 because of DLC that introduces Ryo which has a vehicle with Shen3 on  license plate so it could be a hint for Shenmue 3 which may be a Wii U exclusive since Nintendo has a 3 game deal with Sega.

Faust said:
eyeofcore said:
Faust said:
eyeofcore said:

Everyone makes mistakes, including you and me... But I don't make mistakes when comes to estimation and predictions because I do research and I look at smallest detail possible then I calculate all the variables, factors and effects of upcoming events. I don't think you have an eye for detail like I do...

allow me to be sceptical about this one.


Your last predicction was about Wii U to reach an install base of at least 12.5 million in worst case scenario and 18 million in best case scenario by end of 2014... Well in that case i would say wii u will sell 1 to 30,000,000 by the end of 2014. Pretty sure i cannot miss in this one = D

You are making a elephant out of a flee... Best case scenario is if Nintendo announces a couple of more exclusives from1st/2nd party and if 3rd party developers also make an exclusive.

still is a 5.5m margin. For someone who claims to be as precise as you, is hilarous.

Its not hilarious, you can't be 100% precise on results thus it is better to have worst and best case scenario that is why I pointed out which is the worst and which is the best case scenario, it is relatively early to talk about sales yet we know most of exclusives and games that are going to be on Wii U. I am precise, that is why I don't shoot too high and that is why I analyze to the smallest detail possible would it be the rumors that could be true, how the library of games will look like at that or that quarter, is public interest into WIi U rising or declining, appeal of the games that is going to have...

Public interest into Wii U is rising, game library is more and more appealing as exclusives and games get released, features get added... etc...

The state the console was previously and how it perform then does not show the console that is in current state nor how it will perform.

It kinda sucks that because of New Year we don't have Media Create Sales for last week... Oh well.. Next week we are going to have two shots.

Around the Network
Rafux said:
Max King of the Wild said:
Kane1389 said: expect it to sell 750k in expect Wii U to sell 750k in one month of spring


Step away, zero, you have been dethorned

Come now.... you havent done your research. you are just ignorant if you dont think it will do that

Guys, guys remember the power of our lord and saviour Mario Kart! It will easily move 700 Million consoles Life Time! You obviously don't have an eye for detail like eyeofcore has

No... Mario Kart 8 will sell consoles to some people, but your sarcasm is beyond sarcasm... It will boost sales... I would not be surprised when Mario Kart 8 releases that Wii U weekly sales on global scale could range from 135K to 175K.

eyeofcore said:

There was a recent rumor of another 3rd party exclusive and people are speculating, [...] it could also be Shenmue 3 because of DLC that introduces Ryo which has a vehicle with Shen3 on  license plate so it could be a hint for Shenmue 3 which may be a Wii U exclusive since Nintendo has a 3 game deal with Sega.

The three-game Sega deal was specifically for Sonic the Hedgehog games.

the_dengle said:
eyeofcore said:

There was a recent rumor of another 3rd party exclusive and people are speculating, [...] it could also be Shenmue 3 because of DLC that introduces Ryo which has a vehicle with Shen3 on  license plate so it could be a hint for Shenmue 3 which may be a Wii U exclusive since Nintendo has a 3 game deal with Sega.

The three-game Sega deal was specifically for Sonic the Hedgehog games.

True, though I can't help thinking Sega seem inclined to "fan herding" so we can't be sure they don't have other Wii-U plans.

Zero999 said:
DerNebel said:
Zero999 said:

“I am pretty sure the Wii U will still be ahead in March, but PS4 is going to pass it in 2014 at some point. PS4 will only be at 5-5.5 million by March, Wii U should be a hair ahead of that. Probably April or May,” said Pachter.

I thought this guy couldn't get more stupid. guess I was wrong.

Thanks for your opinion on someone elses console sales prediction Mr "10.2mil Wii Us sold by the end of 2013" and "22mil Wii Us sold by the end of 2014"

thank you for the useless thread derailment quote.

LOL love how you call pachter out, yet your predictions are far far worse. His will be much closer.


Twilord said:
True, though I can't help thinking Sega seem inclined to "fan herding"

That is pretty much the exact opposite of what Sega has done ever since they went 3rd party. They may herd the Sonic fans mostly on one console, the Yakuza on another, and as seen with the original Xbox might have some overall slight favoritism here and there, but by and large they always produce plenty of exclusives for each sytem in every gen.

The best indicator for Shenmue 3 going to the Wii U would be the bird trailer (which I certainly belive indicates, at least at one point, Nintendo was seriously considering funding it). However, there are also indications for a possible PS4 deal: those pictures of Cerny with Suzuki,  Cerny translating for Suzuki at GDC, and Gio Corsi from Sony specifically naming Shenmue's demand from Playstation fans. There are even rumours of Microsofting funding Shenmue 3 as their big Japanese exclusive for this gen.

Who knows what's really going on behind the scenes at this point, but I definitely wouldn't say it's in the clear for any of the console producers at this point.