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Faust said:
eyeofcore said:
Faust said:
eyeofcore said:

Everyone makes mistakes, including you and me... But I don't make mistakes when comes to estimation and predictions because I do research and I look at smallest detail possible then I calculate all the variables, factors and effects of upcoming events. I don't think you have an eye for detail like I do...

allow me to be sceptical about this one.


Your last predicction was about Wii U to reach an install base of at least 12.5 million in worst case scenario and 18 million in best case scenario by end of 2014... Well in that case i would say wii u will sell 1 to 30,000,000 by the end of 2014. Pretty sure i cannot miss in this one = D

You are making a elephant out of a flee... Best case scenario is if Nintendo announces a couple of more exclusives from1st/2nd party and if 3rd party developers also make an exclusive.

still is a 5.5m margin. For someone who claims to be as precise as you, is hilarous.

Its not hilarious, you can't be 100% precise on results thus it is better to have worst and best case scenario that is why I pointed out which is the worst and which is the best case scenario, it is relatively early to talk about sales yet we know most of exclusives and games that are going to be on Wii U. I am precise, that is why I don't shoot too high and that is why I analyze to the smallest detail possible would it be the rumors that could be true, how the library of games will look like at that or that quarter, is public interest into WIi U rising or declining, appeal of the games that is going to have...

Public interest into Wii U is rising, game library is more and more appealing as exclusives and games get released, features get added... etc...

The state the console was previously and how it perform then does not show the console that is in current state nor how it will perform.

It kinda sucks that because of New Year we don't have Media Create Sales for last week... Oh well.. Next week we are going to have two shots.