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Forums - Sales Discussion - PS4 starts dominating - outsells WiiU and X1 combined (Read OP, please)

X1 will live only with one territory, Wii U level of sales in europe and no sales in Japan.

I think Wii U has a good chance to compete with X1

Predictions for end of 2014 HW sales:

 PS4: 17m   XB1: 10m    WiiU: 10m   Vita: 10m


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When the PS4 is in stock everywhere, then the real demand ratios will be revealed. There won't be people buying XB1 only because they couldn't find a PS4.

My 8th gen collection

ICStats said:
When the PS4 is in stock everywhere, then the real demand ratios will be revealed. There won't be people buying XB1 only because they couldn't find a PS4.

I know what you mean...This was my christmas surprise because PS4 was nowhere to be found , but hey, it's a christmas expensive gift ...

Predictions for end of 2014 HW sales:

 PS4: 17m   XB1: 10m    WiiU: 10m   Vita: 10m


random15 said:
Why do nintendo fans always dismiss wii u sales and ALWAYS bring in the 3ds. I bet that is how Iwata answers at nintendo conferences ''the wii U is not selling well but look at the 3ds''.

That's very interesting, considering I could be called a "Nintendo fan" (even though I own PS2 and PS3, as well as PC), but I would personally point to how sales have improved over the last 2-3 months of the year. It was a shitty year for Wii U, no arguing that, and it is mostly on Nintendo for those goddamn delays. But the positive is that Mario has sold well, and that Wii U has, just within the last quarter of the year, sold pretty solidly. It's a nice foundation, at least, to build on going into 2014.

Congrats to PS4 & Sony~! and also nice sales for Wii U and X1. Will no regret to own all three systems.

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pezus said:
tripenfall said:
pezus said:
Jumpin said:
pezus said:

Europe is looking like utter decimation by the PS4. 

I think you mean "domination" and not decimation.

No, I mean decimation. PS4 will destroy Europe.

Decimation means 1 in 10.... Just saying....

Great PS4 numbers and still yet to launch in Japan. This is where Xbone will struggle, as Microsoft has next to nil presence in Japan. I've seen enough already to suggest that PS4 will have sold almost double Xbone by this time next year

If you want to use it literally. Not many do, though.

You have been actually correct, though. Decimation means to "kill one in every ten of". It's a term used to refer to a punishment that existed in the Roman times. The Romans used to kill every tenth person in a traitorous legion. Since then, the term was adopted to be used for "killing a large proportion of a group". See more

This, I stole from grandpa...It's called soap.

PS4 sales look amazing. I'm also very glad for the noticeably increased WiiU sales and stil owe more congrats to MS for managing to sell thusly, in spite of all the negativity towards the X1.

Too bad the thread was derailed by the off topic insertion of 3DS sales by that Cheebee person. Seems people really wanted to discuss 3DS sales instead of PS4, WiiU or Xbox One's. They should start an appropriate thread.

This, I stole from grandpa...It's called soap.

Yeah let's see what happens after the Christmas hype. PS4 is still new and getting a lot of hype purchases, where the WiiU now have good games to carry it.

tuscaniman99 said:
freedquaker said:
pezus said:
PlatformN. AmericaEuropeJapanGlobal
290,244 264,100 N/A 656,655
130,323 59,055 114,516 319,860
225,748 64,099 N/A 307,366

WiiU + X1 = 627k

Europe is looking like utter decimation by the PS4. Nothing will come close there. NA is more of a battle right now. Japan could also be a battle due to WiiU sales improving. 

Looks like my predictions are coming true already although it will take a bit more time for dust to settle, at least until summer 2014 when both consoles are released in most major regions.

see this original thread :

Quote :

2) Regional Analysis  (including only MS and Sony Consoles)


 a) Japan :  X360 has about 14 % of the Market share vs PS3's 86%, despite all those advantages. The next-gen spells nothing but doom in Japan for XB1, and I am estimating...

XB1 :  Less than 10%

PS4 : More than 90%


b) Europe :  The Market Shares are currently around 43% to 57%. This will take a major hit in PS4's favor:

XB1 :  Around 15-25 %

PS4 :  Around 75-85%


c) North America :  The Market Shares are currently around 62% to 38%. This will also take a major hit in PS4's favor but Xbox is almost as strong of a brand as PS in US, with a well established fan base. Although PS4 will eventually win a higher share, neither may be dominant.

XB1 :  Around 35-45%

PS4 :  Around 55-65%


d) Global Market Share: Current Market Share : 50%-50% But given the facts and estimates above, XB1 will take a major hit.

XB1 :  Around 24-33%

PS4 :  Around 67-76%

PS4 has no chance to win America. Once Xbox One drops price to $399 combined with Titanfall and Halo N.America will be Xbox territory. Xbox One is already selling almost 1:1 being $100 more expensive.

This is a launch period, all consoles are going sell out, no matter what, The gap is going to be much bigger then 1:1 after the christmas period

Also, Sony has a far greater chance of wining north america then xbox does, this isn't 2010 anymore, time to move on.



I take the number of usa, europe and japan. These are the results:



wiiu + xpne: 590k


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Steve Jobs