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Forums - Sales Discussion - PS4 starts dominating - outsells WiiU and X1 combined (Read OP, please)

pezus said:

People! Just stop discussing the 3DS. It's pointless for two reasons:

1) This thread isn't about the 3DS.

2) PS4 is limited by supply and thus the comparison is not fair at all.

I have found that the only way to stop it is make SURE you put "home consoles only" or something like that in the title of the thread or OP. Otherwise, you're just asking for it lol.

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prayformojo said:
JohnMeyers said:
prayformojo said:
JohnMeyers said:
prayformojo said:
Cheebee said:
prayformojo said:
Jizz_Beard_thePirate said

Also, nothing will come close? 3ds says hi!

He was talking about home consoles. Consoles and handhelds don't compete with one another.

Ah, but they do. Only on forums such as this they sometimes don't when it's closemindedly convenient, but in reality they do, very much.

You can claim they're not in competition until you're blue in the face - they compete on the only front that matters in the end: for the money and time consumers are willing to spend on such entertainment, and that's a simple truth and fact, whether anyone likes it or not. There's just no way around it. Tablets and smartphones compete with handhelds and consoles for that matter, too, and are destroying all of them in sales.

With your reasoning, HBO,Netflix, the internet, Direct TV, sporting events, plays, movies and county fairs are in direct competition with Wii-U. haha

These comments are so absurd! What is wrong with you people?

No, you can not apply the reasoning that 3DS has a lot to do with the gaming industry to HBO, netflix etc. Those companies are not actively involved in the gaming industry. The revenue they recieve from their sales and services do not go into making more games because they are not in the gaming industry. On the other hand, 3DS is helping Nintendo keep afloat, getting more third party support and bringing consumers to the Wii U. Therefore, it can absolutely be compared to the PS4, because the PS4 is also getting Sony revenue which it puts into marketing and making games. Now tell me, how is this difficult to understand?

I'll use this analogy until it sinks in. Comparing handhelds and consoles is like comparing motorcycles and cars. The two have never been in competition and never will be no matter how hard some people want to pretend they are. The companies don't think so, this WEBSITE doesn't think so (notice how the bar graph has them seperated?) and gamers never thought so. It's a seperate market and a seperate device.


3DS,PS Vita

It's not a seperate market, it's an overlapping market.

Let's say that 3DS was a massive flop. Instead of having 40 million units sold, it had 10 million instead. Nintendo would probably currently be thinking of leaving the hardware industry altogether. Instead, the revenue from the 3DS is undoubtedly helping Nintendo market and support the Wii U. Therefore, sales wise in the gaming industry, we can absolutely compare them.

Regarding competition and share of the market, their is far less competition between the 3DS and the PS4. Nevertheless, all entertainment devices compete over the consumers cash to a degree, and the more similar they are the more they compete. The Iphone and the PS4 do not really compete. The 3DS and the PS4 compete to a certain degree. Despite price cuts and pokemon, 3DS sales this holiday were less than last holiday. Why? Because of PS4 and Xbone.

Motorcycles and cars a degree. But that degree is so small, that it doesn't affect one another. This is why you will never hear Harley Davidson talking up sales in comparison to Ford trucks. Why? Because that's

I have been around this industry since the internet wasn't even a thing. Handhelds were NEVER considered in the same market, and still aren't. It's just a fact. Arguments could be made, but that doesn't change anything. The "16 bit war" was called a 16 bit war because the Gameboy and Gamegear weren't competeing with the SNES and Genesis. Sega did not air commericals launching Gameboy's into the air and blowing them up, it was SNES.

I think these guys are saying if i buy a 3DS or whatever its taking money from buying home systems. How can you deny this? You have to buy software to justify your purchase also. Lol at some comparisons though. If a kid wants a PS4 or whatever and the mom buys a cheaper handheld instead......yea they are competing. Not head to head but to a strong degree. Its vice versa also.

What is funny about people accusing sony followers of going of topic when asked about Vita failure (while doing it for WiiU) is that usually Sony supporters aknowledge the psVita is doing bad and deserved better sales... while the ones accusing just pretend the discussion is elsewhere.

duduspace11 "Well, since we are estimating costs, Pokemon Red/Blue did cost Nintendo about $50m to make back in 1996"

Mr Puggsly: "Hehe, I said good profit. You said big profit. Frankly, not losing money is what I meant by good. Don't get hung up on semantics"

Azzanation: "PS5 wouldn't sold out at launch without scalpers."

bobfulci said:
Ljink96 said:
bobfulci said:
pezus said:
bobfulci said:
Ljink96 said:
dsp333 said:
DevilRising said:
I do hope you don't seriously think that level of weekly sales if going to maintain for long past the holidays.

Agreed, there's no way in hell the Wii U will continue to sell even half as well as the PS4 once January begins.

You do understand that Smash Bros. and Mario Kart are coming out next year right? Just asking...

You know, Nintendo has an AMAZING group of games already on shelves and another batch of AMAZING games coming soon. Now, combine that with a price drop and lwt's see where this generation goes. I remember people laughing about the 3DS and it's lackluster sales UNTIL the price drop. Who's laughing now? I am not sure why some people here have such a huge problem with Nintendo but you are missing out on some really fun games!

And where do you see this gen going?

I see Nintendo giving Sony a really good run for their money. The Xbox might pull a rabbit out of their hat at some point but I see them locked into a third place position. So many people here are counting Nintendo out WAY too early and I really do believe they will be neck and neck with Sony during this generation. Again, just my opinion though I am sure to be called every name in the book by a few people

Nintendo fans are kinda like Christians kids in a public school in this day and age. You are entitled to like whatever you want. That's why I hate it when people say a company sucks when they haven't outdone that company themselves. I don't know why people are acting like they're too old to like Nintendo.

I agree with you. I have not been able to understand the level of vitriol directed towards Nintendo by some of the people here. They single-handedly saved video gaming from what was a total and complete collapse. I remember it well and I remember when you could walk into Toys R Us and pick up BOX loads of Atari and Colecovision games for under 5 dollars each(!) even the latest releases. It was done and over, crushed under it's own weight. Nintendo has been a consistent innovator over the years and if we are being honest here, Sony, Microsoft, Steam, etc. owe a debt of gratitude to them for everything they have, and will bring to the table in the future.

And what exactly is it with Nintendo supporters and their contempt for the Playstation brand? You're speaking about the history of the industry here, but seem to conveniently ignore Nintendo's monopoly with the NES and SNES. Until the Playstation came along, Nintendo were essentially the bullies of the industry. You say a great debt is owed to Nintendo, and I disagree strongly with that - you're being selective with your history to paint Nintendo as some gaming savior, when they aren't. Anyway, this is off-topic -- let's save this for another thread/topic.

On topic: These sales are all good and well for the PS4, but I just hope they launch as successfully in Japan. I'm looking forward to more JRPGs this gen for my PS consoles.

prayformojo said:
pezus said:

People! Just stop discussing the 3DS. It's pointless for two reasons:

1) This thread isn't about the 3DS.

2) PS4 is limited by supply and thus the comparison is not fair at all.

I have found that the only way to stop it is make SURE you put "home consoles only" or something like that in the title of the thread or OP. Otherwise, you're just asking for it lol.

Well, he couldnt predict people wouldnt be enough smart to understand it's irrelevant to compare home console and handheld... ( especially when one is out in Japan )

But i think they know, they just want to change the subject. This is a common in Wii U threads...

Predictions for end of 2014 HW sales:

 PS4: 17m   XB1: 10m    WiiU: 10m   Vita: 10m


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lol is not even out in Japan, so count a 1 million to that amount ;)

Cheebee said:
Also, 3DS outsold PS4 + Xbone combined.
Also, X360 outsold Xbone by 100k, but 3DS still outsold it + PS4, combined.
Also, 3DS outsold Vita by over 900k.

3DS dominates everything.

Great numbers by 3DS, but gaming industry is what it is now thanks to consoles, not gaming handhelds ;).

prayformojo said:
Cheebee said:
prayformojo said:
Jizz_Beard_thePirate said

Also, nothing will come close? 3ds says hi!

He was talking about home consoles. Consoles and handhelds don't compete with one another.

Ah, but they do. Only on forums such as this they sometimes don't when it's closemindedly convenient, but in reality they do, very much.

You can claim they're not in competition until you're blue in the face - they compete on the only front that matters in the end: for the money and time consumers are willing to spend on such entertainment, and that's a simple truth and fact, whether anyone likes it or not. There's just no way around it. Tablets and smartphones compete with handhelds and consoles for that matter, too, and are destroying all of them in sales.

With your reasoning, HBO,Netflix, the internet, Direct TV, sporting events, plays, movies and county fairs are in direct competition with Wii-U. haha

They are in direct competition for dollars, yes. Kind of interesting in that most cord cutters are using streaming services available for free on the Wii U (like Netflix, Amazon Prime, Hulu, etc.) to put the hurt on subscription television services like HBO, Direct TV, etc.

Even as Nintendo was discontinuing services for the Wii they up and offered YouTube, Amazon Prime and others.

All companies have to grab those sales whatever way they can. That is also why the 3DS suddenly has an array of streaming apps available.

Wow at those European PS4 sales. I know the XB1 is not out across all Europe but it is out in the countries that matter most. I don't see the lesser gaming countries in that region adding a lot to that figure.

In UK, France, Germany etc PS4 orders are now booked into 2014. XB1 readily available.

As for the wii u it's European sales are good. It is now ideally priced for anyone looking for a second console. I think that's a market it can try to exploit.

Dream_While_Awake said:

Cheebee said:

Ah, but they do. Only on forums such as this they sometimes don't when it's closemindedly convenient, but in reality they do, very much.

You can claim they're not in competition until you're blue in the face - they compete on the only front that matters in the end: for the money and time consumers are willing to spend on such entertainment, and that's a simple truth and fact, whether anyone likes it or not. There's just no way around it. Tablets and smartphones compete with handhelds and consoles for that matter, too, and are destroying all of them in sales.

I agree. Anything entertainment wise and esspecially other means of gaming are in competition for the consumers money. I'm glad somebody else realizes this.

3DS & PS4 do compete with each other.

So if 3DS & PS4 are competing against each other does that mean that 3DS and Wii-U are competing too???