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Forums - Sony Discussion - Walmart/Sam's Club have just gone Blu-ray EXCLUSIVE

Official Press Release from Walmart:

Wal-Mart Moving Exclusively Toward Blu-ray Format Movies and Players
Last Updated: Friday, February 15, 2008


And Article about it:

Wow, one thing after another.  Toshiba MUST throw in the towel soon.


February 15, 2008 7:31 AM PST

Wal-Mart puts stake through HD DVD's heart

Things have gone from bad to worse for HD DVD in the space of one week.

Wal-Mart Stores announced on Friday morning that it, too, has chosen a side in the battle for high-definition video supremacy: by June, it will stock only Blu-ray Disc players.

(Credit: Crave UK)

A buyer in Wal-Mart's video division wrote this morning on her Wal-Mart Checkout blog that the retail giant had made the decision following Netflix and Best Buy's high-profile announcements that they will exclusively stock Blu-ray products.

Wrote Susan Chronister of Wal-Mart: "By June, Wal-Mart will only be carrying Blu-ray movies and hardware machines and, of course, standard-def movies, DVD players, and up-convert players."

"So," she continues, not mincing words, "if you bought the HD (DVD) player like me, I'd retire it to the bedroom, kid's playroom, or give it to your parents to play their John Wayne standard-def movies, and make space for a (Blu-Ray Disc) player."

That might be the best option at this point, as the dominoes keep falling in Blu-ray's favor. While Netflix and Best Buy were pretty damning evidence that the end was near, now it's glaringly obvious: it's over for HD DVD.

Now, that doesn't necessarily mean that consumers will automatically start buying Blu-ray players. As mentioned many times before here, prices will have to continue to fall on both Blu-ray players and packaged media for there to be any sort of mainstream adoption of the format.

There are rumors that Toshiba might soon be declaring defeat: The Hollywood Reporter has sources telling it that Toshiba, the main backer of HD DVD, might drop its allegiance with the format in the next few weeks.

Toshiba denies it, but stay tuned. There's likely much more to come in this drama.

PSN ID: Sorrow880

Gamertag: Sorrow80

Wii #: 8132 1076 3416 7450

Around the Network

suks for hd-dvd dont it


Another link saying Walmart go BR exclusive in June. I LOL at Toshiba.

I "OFFICIALLY" announce that the "format war" is OVER!!!

Walmart's spokesgirl couldn't have said it better!:

"So," she continues, not mincing words, "if you bought the HD (DVD) player like me, I'd retire it to the bedroom, kid's playroom, or give it to your parents to play their John Wayne standard-def movies, and make space for a (Blu-Ray Disc) player."

PSN ID: Sorrow880

Gamertag: Sorrow80

Wii #: 8132 1076 3416 7450

Around the Network

There is no turning back for HD DVD. It's either die slowly or give it up.

well this will really help BLU-RAY alot

tag:"reviews only matter for the real hardcore gamer"

Lol...yeah, I can't wait to see what HD-DVD will say after this announcement. We should hear something before this weekend.

PSN ID: Sorrow880

Gamertag: Sorrow80

Wii #: 8132 1076 3416 7450

It's all over, wal-mart has spoken.

Looks like its time for HD DVD group and Toshiba to head to the bar and drown their sorrows... BDA and Sony can break open some champagne and get dancing...

Now we'll really get to see what adoption of HD is like and how much BR can aid PS3 sales...

Try to be reasonable... its easier than you think...