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Forums - Sales Discussion - Is the Blu-Ray victory responsible for the spike in PS3 sales?

Well maybe it's too early to call it a spike but does anyone else here think that Blu-Ray's victory over HD-DVD may be responsible for the increase in sales for the PS3 in January?  And if so what might that mean for the attach rate for the console if many people are buying it simply as a Blu-Ray player?

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No. but in 2weeks tax returns.


I think it can still lead to great software sales. Lots of young people buy games that want a high-def player, and older people usually have kids or even want games themselves.

perhaps it will

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not now, but it will in 8 months or so




That's why I bought one. Though I have bought a couple games and likely will buy a few more.

I have said that all along. With no real software put out since the holidays, and Sony offering a PS3 with the purchase of their TVs, and the Warner announcement, I can definitely see folks buying it and saying they'll buy software later. Why not get a free console when you buy a Blu Ray player?

The Blu-ray news is a great milestone but I don't think it translates into a sales spike. The effect will be gradual and may be hard to differentiate from all the other stuff that is bound to happen over the coming months.

Anyway I'm sure it does affect the PS3's overall attach rate but, on the other hand, that has already been going on (remember those PS3 clusters?) and it certainly can't hurt overall software sales.  I think everyone can agree that getting more PS3s into people's homes is a good thing for Sony, however they get there. 

Well, assuming that the system isn't still being sold at a huge loss.  Does anyone know the recent numbers on that? 

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I have the most epic death scene ever in VGChartz Mafia.  Thanks WordsofWisdom! 

Maybe, but stand alone players ares still selling, some people are just dumb and don't realize they can get a gaming machine and movie player in one.

Overall, I'd say the success of the PS3 accounted for the Blu-ray win, not the other way around.