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Forums - General Discussion - Why are you a virgin? *OFFICIAL VIRGIN THREAD*

Soleron said:

Age 22.

Zero friends. Cannot cope in social situations. No opportunity to practice to get up to an acceptable standard for human contact.

27 here.


 I have male friends, but aftersome traumatic-kind of break up, I can not really talk to woman anymore. I just feel frozen, my lips wont move... I can still think, but the body does not respond. I kind of gave up on women for that reason, I may say hi, but thats just as far as I can get without feeling like a rock.


3DS code: 1289-8222-7215

NNid: Menx064

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NobleTeam360 said:

I added you as a friend. I am 32 years old, short, ugly as fuck and poor. And, even with all this, I had sex with 37 women in my life, most of them gorgeous. Ask me anything you want, I will help you, by the end of next year, you will have your fill of cute girls, I swear.

Also, I do have some cool literature on the subject of being shy and talking to girls. I can send you over e-mail.

seriously? I guess the whole issue for most guys is really just confidence.

Seriously. And you are right, it is all about confidence. And, to be honest, confidence is all about not caring what others think of you and not apologizing for how God made you.

My grammar errors are justified by the fact that I am a brazilian living in Brazil. I am also very stupid.

Man if only anime girls were real....... lol

WagnerPaiva said:
Soleron said:

Well, for one I have to write the remainder of the week off due to how I feel after doing something like that. Yes even with someone I won't see again etc.

Also, how would I get such an opportunity? I live in the middle of nowhere in a village of 70 year olds. And I'm unemployed.

I added you as a friend. I am 32 years old, short, ugly as fuck and poor. And, even with all this, I had sex with 37 women in my life, most of them gorgeous. Ask me anything you want, I will help you, by the end of next year, you will have your fill of cute girls, I swear.

Also, I do have some cool literature on the subject of being shy and talking to girls. I can send you over e-mail.

You kept track?

WagnerPaiva said:
Soleron said:

Age 22.

Zero friends. Cannot cope in social situations. No opportunity to practice to get up to an acceptable standard for human contact.

Man, it is actually much easier than you think, you don´t even have to look good. The only secret is NOT to get needy.

Just talk to a potencial sexual partner about getting intimate, simple as that, talk like it is a natural thing, but you gotta be friendlly with her first, not friends, but friendlly.

NEVER give gifts, NEVER fall in love before sex. I like to use this:

"Hey Janet, you know, I gotta ask you something, but you gotta promise you will not get ofended".

"Sure Wagner, I will not get ofended".

"I mean it, I respect you a lot, I will only ask that because you are an adult and I think are mature enough to say no and not get angry or something like that"

"Sure man, I hear you."

"Well, I would like to go to bed with you, you are a great friend, but I feel this desiree for you, I think it would be dishonest not to tell you that I want to go to bed with you, just once at least."

Then she will answer.

Whatever she answer, CHANGE THE SUBJECT

"No way man, it will never happen!"

"That is ok, hey, did you hear tha Richie Sambora left Bon Jovi, I really liked him, do you think they can be good even without him?"

If she say YES, change the subject too, she will understand you are not desesperate.

Only do this if you can comunicate that you are ok hearing NO.


Lol I need to try this out.

Around the Network
menx64 said:
Soleron said:

Age 22.

Zero friends. Cannot cope in social situations. No opportunity to practice to get up to an acceptable standard for human contact.

27 here.


 I have male friends, but aftersome traumatic-kind of break up, I can not really talk to woman anymore. I just feel frozen, my lips wont move... I can still think, but the body does not respond. I kind of gave up on women for that reason, I may say hi, but thats just as far as I can get without feeling like a rock.

Being there, done that. My advice? Get in the ring: talk to 10 girls in a row, SAY TO THEM that you are doing this to fight away your fear of women, they will find it cute, them, ask for a kiss. They will laugh, laugh too, say "Have a nice day pretty" and get out. After a while, some girls will eg you to stay and talk some more.

Do it 50, 60 times, it will be painfull and you will feel fear everytime, but, afterwards, you will never be the same again.

My grammar errors are justified by the fact that I am a brazilian living in Brazil. I am also very stupid.

WagnerPaiva said:
menx64 said:
Soleron said:

Age 22.

Zero friends. Cannot cope in social situations. No opportunity to practice to get up to an acceptable standard for human contact.

27 here.


 I have male friends, but aftersome traumatic-kind of break up, I can not really talk to woman anymore. I just feel frozen, my lips wont move... I can still think, but the body does not respond. I kind of gave up on women for that reason, I may say hi, but thats just as far as I can get without feeling like a rock.

Being there, done that. My advice? Get in the ring: talk to 10 girls in a row, SAY TO THEM that you are doing this to fight away your fear of women, they will find it cute, them, ask for a kiss. They will laugh, laugh too, say "Have a nice day pretty" and get out. After a while, some girls will eg you to stay and talk some more.

Do it 50, 60 times, it will be painfull and you will feel fear everytime, but, afterwards, you will never be the same again.

I'm not sure if everyone here wants to get as many girls as possible, a lot may just want 1 stable relationship.

VGPolyglot said:
WagnerPaiva said:
Soleron said:

Well, for one I have to write the remainder of the week off due to how I feel after doing something like that. Yes even with someone I won't see again etc.

Also, how would I get such an opportunity? I live in the middle of nowhere in a village of 70 year olds. And I'm unemployed.

I added you as a friend. I am 32 years old, short, ugly as fuck and poor. And, even with all this, I had sex with 37 women in my life, most of them gorgeous. Ask me anything you want, I will help you, by the end of next year, you will have your fill of cute girls, I swear.

Also, I do have some cool literature on the subject of being shy and talking to girls. I can send you over e-mail.

You kept track?

I remember every name, every situation for the diferent girls. It was never a "I am using this girl" kind of deal, it is all about respect and acting like an adult. Every girl was special. And, I am not a Donjuan, I am actually a mess, ugly, fearfull, paranoid. Getting girls is just much more easy than it looks.

My grammar errors are justified by the fact that I am a brazilian living in Brazil. I am also very stupid.

VGPolyglot said:
WagnerPaiva said:
menx64 said:
Soleron said:

Age 22.

Zero friends. Cannot cope in social situations. No opportunity to practice to get up to an acceptable standard for human contact.

27 here.


 I have male friends, but aftersome traumatic-kind of break up, I can not really talk to woman anymore. I just feel frozen, my lips wont move... I can still think, but the body does not respond. I kind of gave up on women for that reason, I may say hi, but thats just as far as I can get without feeling like a rock.

Being there, done that. My advice? Get in the ring: talk to 10 girls in a row, SAY TO THEM that you are doing this to fight away your fear of women, they will find it cute, them, ask for a kiss. They will laugh, laugh too, say "Have a nice day pretty" and get out. After a while, some girls will eg you to stay and talk some more.

Do it 50, 60 times, it will be painfull and you will feel fear everytime, but, afterwards, you will never be the same again.

I'm not sure if everyone here wants to get as many girls as possible, a lot may just want 1 stable relationship.

But he is afraid to talk to women, he is terrified of them. He need a shock treatment befor he can have a real cool girl.

My grammar errors are justified by the fact that I am a brazilian living in Brazil. I am also very stupid.

KylieDog said:
Soleron said:
ps3-sales! said:
Soleron said:

Age 22.

Zero friends. Cannot cope in social situations. No opportunity to practice to get up to an acceptable standard for human contact.

It's all about confidence my friend! I mean, I'm a virgin too but I've had offers because I'm just mad confident. Oh and going to the gym all the time doesn't hurt your chances xD

You don't understand. I'm very far from talking to a girl.

I'm working towards asking someone in the street for directions.

Go to a club and drink until you start talking. 

What if he doesn't drink?