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WagnerPaiva said:
Soleron said:

Well, for one I have to write the remainder of the week off due to how I feel after doing something like that. Yes even with someone I won't see again etc.

Also, how would I get such an opportunity? I live in the middle of nowhere in a village of 70 year olds. And I'm unemployed.

I added you as a friend. I am 32 years old, short, ugly as fuck and poor. And, even with all this, I had sex with 37 women in my life, most of them gorgeous. Ask me anything you want, I will help you, by the end of next year, you will have your fill of cute girls, I swear.

Also, I do have some cool literature on the subject of being shy and talking to girls. I can send you over e-mail.

You kept track?