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Forums - Sales Discussion - Post your gaming budget!

However much chump-change I make over eBay, basically. That money basically goes to two things: booze and games.

"'Casual games' are something the 'Game Industry' invented to explain away the Wii success instead of actually listening or looking at what Nintendo did. There is no 'casual strategy' from Nintendo. 'Accessible strategy', yes, but ‘casual gamers’ is just the 'Game Industry''s polite way of saying what they feel: 'retarded gamers'."

 -Sean Malstrom



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also note that I'm a used-game scavanger. I have no problem waiting like a really long time so that I can get two or three used 1-year old games for 50 bucks as opposed to one new game for 50 bucks.

I spent about 3,000 last year. I got a pro 360,40gb ps3,wii. So that is 1000. I bought a 1000 dollar gaming pc. 2000 dollars right there. Then I bought about another 800 in games. Oh and I bought a psp so that is about 200. So yeah about 3,000.

EDIT oh and you think my gaming budget is big. You should know my pet budget is about 50% bigger.

in 2007

wii 250
Warioware smooth moves 50
Zelda twilight princess 50
Black DS lite 130
Pokemon D&P 35+35=70
Pink DS for little sister 130
Elite Beat agents 20
Sonic Rush 15
Used DS for little brother 80
Super Mario Galaxy 50

TOTAL $845

That Guy said:
also note that I'm a used-game scavanger. I have no problem waiting like a really long time so that I can get two or three used 1-year old games for 50 bucks as opposed to one new game for 50 bucks.

 Same here - except it's a necessity on my budget. I'm just getting around to playing games that came out a few years ago, since they're so cheap now.

"'Casual games' are something the 'Game Industry' invented to explain away the Wii success instead of actually listening or looking at what Nintendo did. There is no 'casual strategy' from Nintendo. 'Accessible strategy', yes, but ‘casual gamers’ is just the 'Game Industry''s polite way of saying what they feel: 'retarded gamers'."

 -Sean Malstrom



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That Guy said:
also note that I'm a used-game scavanger. I have no problem waiting like a really long time so that I can get two or three used 1-year old games for 50 bucks as opposed to one new game for 50 bucks.

 I do the same as you.... I wait till later in the generation (or occasionally after it) to get games that came out earlier.

In fact if you ignore Wii games (and VC) the last game I bought was Eternal Darkness for the GC (£5 last week), before that it was an N64 game: Perfect Dark.... before that it was Chibi Robo (about a month after release but it wasn't full price) and before that was Jet Force Gemini.

I don't really have a budget though, I see where I am money wise and spend what I can..... As I posted in the other thread I have spent about £500 this gen (all of which was within 1 year because I got the Wii on 6th Feb 2007)

I think my last generation total is only about £600-700 though, so I think I am going a bit overboard.

Last year I spent a lot... Don't keep track because I would probably cut back if I did. Anything that gets 8+ rating I buy in week one. 7-8 I buy on sale new...

in 2007
Wii Console
Wii Play
M & S at Olym. Games
Super Paper Mario
so $700

My brother usually purchases the Wii and PS2 games for me so I Just get the DS games that I like.

For the DS Games it would be good if the price was 30 but my maximum price for a game is 35; the games that I got for the DS were Pearl Super Mario 64 Super MOnkey ball and some other game that I don't seem to remember. You can do the math for me :)

For the Wii games my bro. gets all of them are 50.

Well I bought my PS3 this year, came with 4 games and an extra controller for about £575. Er, ive bought another 10 games or so, and about 5 off the PSN including warhawk. All in all about £1000 this year.

Hell hath no fury like a woman scorned for Sega. - Jason Lee, Mallrats. - Mainly American Football, snippets of Basketball, European Football and Hockey.