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That Guy said:
also note that I'm a used-game scavanger. I have no problem waiting like a really long time so that I can get two or three used 1-year old games for 50 bucks as opposed to one new game for 50 bucks.

 I do the same as you.... I wait till later in the generation (or occasionally after it) to get games that came out earlier.

In fact if you ignore Wii games (and VC) the last game I bought was Eternal Darkness for the GC (£5 last week), before that it was an N64 game: Perfect Dark.... before that it was Chibi Robo (about a month after release but it wasn't full price) and before that was Jet Force Gemini.

I don't really have a budget though, I see where I am money wise and spend what I can..... As I posted in the other thread I have spent about £500 this gen (all of which was within 1 year because I got the Wii on 6th Feb 2007)

I think my last generation total is only about £600-700 though, so I think I am going a bit overboard.