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Forums - Microsoft Discussion - The Official Lost Odyssey Thread

After waiting a long time for this beauty of an jrpg. I can't help but say my expectations have been surpassed, even after playin it only for only 2 hours. Kaim Argonar is a very interesting character, the way the game unfolds it makes you want to learn more about his past. The Dialogue has been really impressive so far, the localization is ACE, props to microsoft. The Voice acting is GOOD, thank god, Jensen's voice is hilarious, and Kaim is great as well. The most impressive thing to me was the 1000 dreams that are excellently written, and are one of the best pieces of literature i've ever read on a videogame, so emotional, and add a lot to the character developement of Kaim. The Music is EXCELLENT as well, nobuo uematsu never dissapoints. The Battle system is SOLID, if you've played the old Shadow Hearts games, you'll be in for a treat. Not every game is perfect, there are some frame rate problems, mostly due to the Unreal 3 engine but they DON'T hinder the gameplay at all, only the elitist will bitch about them. The level of detail in the game is astounding, and call me nuts, but at times rivals Mass Effect. I have to agree with Andrew Fitch from 1up, the GOOCH redeemed himself. This is the RPG of the year on current-gen consoles, people have called me nuts, but its true. It's what the next Final Fantasy game should had been.


Post how far you've gotten on the game, discuss people. What do you like, or don't like. No spoilers pls. Ask questions regarding sidequests, or where to find the 1000 dreams.

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Well we have gotten alot of impressions from many on this site and so far ALL have been positive. I am just glad so many people are picking it up. Hopefully they will come here once they beaten it or have more impressions for those that haven't gotten it. Other impressions on this site can be found:

I agree this game could be the role playing game of this year. I would say if you haven't picked this game up, or have no intention to your missing something amazing. The experience is both fresh, and deeply moving. The story is rich, the dialog isn't in the least over or under done, and the graphics are glorious. Even the combat system is fast paced, and building your characters is a real treat to manage.

I hope this game turns into the sleeper hit that it deserves to be. I have no clue what the problem with some of the reviewers were. There aren't any real technical issues in the game. There are no tedious design elements, and if your not a big fan of turn based combat this is probably the most accessible that your going to find, but it also manages to maintain real tension. Which makes every battle entertaining. Hell even the menial side missions are rewarding and diverse.

I doubted that the reviewers indeed had a hate complex towards this genre, but having played it. Well its almost like they contrived reasons to dislike it. Your telling me three second load times are intrusive? Excuse me I have played other games on my 360, and yeah Lost Odyssey is the least culpable. The combat isn't even repetitive unlike some other role playing games I can name. So exactly what was there problem beyond really disliking turn based role playing games.

I really do not get it, but then again I think I have found a good bench mark this generation for who will do the better reviewing job for me. Anyone who gave this game below a eight just isn't worth reading in the future.

I've heard good things from the people at work so far. If I wasn't so busy with Culdcept Saga and Professor Layton I would probably go ahead and pick this up but looks like it might have to wait a little while.

I'll get my copy on Saturday.All you have written sounds very promising(framerate problems aside).I can't wait any longer...

Tempus fugit Nintendo manet.


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Anyone know what Seeds are for? i got like 20 of them so far, i just reached the Grand Staff, i'm at LVL 16

I believe there are 99 seeds and they can be traded in for special items at some point...I'll have to check the chea..I mean "Game" guide I bought.

Anyhow, it's a wonderful game. This SHOULD prove my point about disliking reviewers in general and hating the scoring system all around. This game is far I'd probably give it a 9.0/10.0...maybe 8.5 at minimum. And yet it has jackasses giving it 5.0/10.0...ridiculous.

Graphics are great (yes, a few hiccups on framerate, etc.), battle system is awesome, I LOVE the Dreams, overall, beautiful game so far. Story started out slow, but is gaining steam. Complete BS about 30 second load times for every battle--more like 5-10 seconds like any other JRPG.

A few minor complaints--characters are "ugly"...I'm use to "beautiful" women in JRPG's--Lost Odyssey girls are rather plain (minor detail). Also, the story starts off kind of slow and if it wasn't for the Dreams, it would be hard to "like" Kaim--barely ever speaks! (Thought, ah shit, another no talking Link from Zelda type thing for the first couple hours)...Also wish the camera was completely free moving....don't like not being able to rotate camera around the main character 360 degrees.

Overall, though, nothing big to complain about....AWESOME game so far.  Post more impressions once I'm more than 5 hours into it!

PSN ID: Sorrow880

Gamertag: Sorrow80

Wii #: 8132 1076 3416 7450

I really .... really want it. Im just short on $ after my reserves of Patapon and FF VII: CC. Im also saving for SSBB. Ga!

"We'll toss the dice however they fall,
And snuggle the girls be they short or tall,
Then follow young Mat whenever he calls,
To dance with Jak o' the Shadows."

Check out MyAnimeList and my Game Collection. Owner of the 5 millionth post.

Awesome Game as of yet. =)

Ari_Gold said:
Anyone know what Seeds are for? i got like 20 of them so far, i just reached the Grand Staff, i'm at LVL 16

You trade seeds in later on for items. Kinda like Medals in blue dragon.