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I believe there are 99 seeds and they can be traded in for special items at some point...I'll have to check the chea..I mean "Game" guide I bought.

Anyhow, it's a wonderful game. This SHOULD prove my point about disliking reviewers in general and hating the scoring system all around. This game is far I'd probably give it a 9.0/10.0...maybe 8.5 at minimum. And yet it has jackasses giving it 5.0/10.0...ridiculous.

Graphics are great (yes, a few hiccups on framerate, etc.), battle system is awesome, I LOVE the Dreams, overall, beautiful game so far. Story started out slow, but is gaining steam. Complete BS about 30 second load times for every battle--more like 5-10 seconds like any other JRPG.

A few minor complaints--characters are "ugly"...I'm use to "beautiful" women in JRPG's--Lost Odyssey girls are rather plain (minor detail). Also, the story starts off kind of slow and if it wasn't for the Dreams, it would be hard to "like" Kaim--barely ever speaks! (Thought, ah shit, another no talking Link from Zelda type thing for the first couple hours)...Also wish the camera was completely free moving....don't like not being able to rotate camera around the main character 360 degrees.

Overall, though, nothing big to complain about....AWESOME game so far.  Post more impressions once I'm more than 5 hours into it!

PSN ID: Sorrow880

Gamertag: Sorrow80

Wii #: 8132 1076 3416 7450