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Forums - Gaming Discussion - Why is no one complaining about paying for PSN?

I don't play MP a ton. So I have PS+ almost entirely for the IGC. Also, since I have all 3 PS platforms, the value more than pays for itself.

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Pemalite said:
Shinobi-san said:


Steam doesnt offer dedicated servers as far as im aware (might be wrong though).

Steam has a few, but internet providers around the world have Steam Servers as do the game developers.

However, the advantage of letting game developers and internet providers provide servers is mostly one of costs, it's far cheaper for an internet provider to grab data off a server that's right next to it's Content delivery network than having to grab data from across the planet.
And because there are far more servers and networks supporting it all, you get lower latency and more redundancy.

And because my ISP hosts Steam content and because Australian Internet connections have data caps, my ISP in it's mighty and wise wisdom made Steam data-free, provided I am grabbing content from an Australian server and not one overseas. (Which you can do via a Steam Filter to limit the servers you can get stuff from.)

Converesly, Internode/iiNet/Westnet/Netspace/Adam Internet and whatever else other provider iiNet has gobbled up also provides data-free Xbox Live! They achieved that by using a very expensive piece of equipment that inspects the packets coming off the Akami network that Microsoft uses.

Unfortunatly, no such thing like that exists for the Playstation Network in Australia, so if you intend to go completely digital... The Playstation is probably the worst console to opt for here.

Pretty sure we will start seing more free console traffic soon.

Steam data only has been free for the last year or two with some of our ISP's here in SA.

But anyways...steam doesnt gaurentee dedicated servers. And thats what i was correcting Runa for.

Intel Core i7 3770K [3.5GHz]|MSI Big Bang Z77 Mpower|Corsair Vengeance DDR3-1866 2 x 4GB|MSI GeForce GTX 560 ti Twin Frozr 2|OCZ Vertex 4 128GB|Corsair HX750|Cooler Master CM 690II Advanced|

Shinobi-san said:

Pretty sure we will start seing more free console traffic soon.

Steam data only has been free for the last year or two with some of our ISP's here in SA.

But anyways...steam doesnt gaurentee dedicated servers. And thats what i was correcting Runa for.

My ISP has had Steam Data free for about 8-9 years now. :)
Xbox Live has only been mere months since it was bought by iiNet (It couldn't afford the equipment to make it data free.)
But iiNet/Westnet have had it for several years now.

--::{PC Gaming Master Race}::--

PS+ isn't as big a deal as XBLive for a few reasons......
-Its MS's fault in the first place that its become precedent in the first place. Pressure from share holders at Sony are the biggest reason they added the fee after watching MS get away with it for a generation.
-PS+ proved its worth way before they made it mandatory for online gaming. PS+ gives you a constant onslaught of high profile games, really good discounts every month, Cloud saves service, works across multiple devices(PSP/PS3/PS4/Vita) for just one price, automatic updates, and soon Gakai Streaming. Most of these are actual services that Sony provides, not them milking you for things that cost them very little. Xbox Live "better servers" stance is a joke.
-PS+ is still 10 bucks cheaper a year, and doesn't lock off Apps like Netflix behind the paywall which is just wrong.

PS+ is the most value driven service around at the moment.




Greatness Awaits

PSN:Forevercloud (looking for Soul Sacrifice Partners!!!)

Free games. And if they start to give away full free PS4 games I will buy the console too, so cool to have free stuff to play.

My grammar errors are justified by the fact that I am a brazilian living in Brazil. I am also very stupid.

Around the Network
Pemalite said:
Shinobi-san said:

Pretty sure we will start seing more free console traffic soon.

Steam data only has been free for the last year or two with some of our ISP's here in SA.

But anyways...steam doesnt gaurentee dedicated servers. And thats what i was correcting Runa for.

My ISP has had Steam Data free for about 8-9 years now. :)
Xbox Live has only been mere months since it was bought by iiNet (It couldn't afford the equipment to make it data free.)
But iiNet/Westnet have had it for several years now.

thats nice.

Intel Core i7 3770K [3.5GHz]|MSI Big Bang Z77 Mpower|Corsair Vengeance DDR3-1866 2 x 4GB|MSI GeForce GTX 560 ti Twin Frozr 2|OCZ Vertex 4 128GB|Corsair HX750|Cooler Master CM 690II Advanced|

1 - Because I can still watch netflix or browse on the web without paying, and they said it's up to dev making it necessary or not on the game

2 - Because most of us already had PS Plus

3 - Because it will make PSN and PS+ happen in many more countries like Brazil that has just got their PS+ service.

4 - Get a lot of benefits, free games and discounts for PS+ making it's 50 Dollars / year saving money instead of wasting

The Bitch is back! And better then ever! #BritneyReturns

SONY Bring them BACK for PS4 and VITA!

I think the "PSN+ vs XBLG" argument is pretty much the crux of what makes Playstation and Xbox fundamentally different: Parent Company business ethics.

Microsoft sets the precedent by demanding money for a service that was (and in some cases still is) free elsewhere.
Sony just basically follows suit with whatever's popular/succcessful (Move, PS Eye, PSN+) to make their stuff great

The key here is what appears to be the parent company's intentions. When Microsoft added Gold to their system back on the original Xbox, it was to nickel-and-dime us. Why else would they put shit behind pay walls and basically FORCE their users to pay for it? Sony, on the other hand, was just following suit. They saw that Microsoft 'got away with' selling a premium service, so they added PS+. Thing is, at least Sony seemed to have a bit of compassion for the consumer; why else would they give us free games? "Well, we want this money that Microsoft tapped into, but we think it's kinda shitty to force users to pay for online, so we're gonna make it worth their while by giving a bunch of free shit as well."

Don't kid yourself, both companies are greedy; they're businesses, not charities, but at least Sony seems to care about value and consumer relations, whereas microsoft basically says "Fuck you, pay it or enjoy your useless console that can't do any of the multimedia features without it."

Malice and Greed vs Compassion and greed.

My Console Library:

PS5, Switch, XSX

PS4, PS3, PS2, PS1, WiiU, Wii, GCN, N64 SNES, XBO, 360

3DS, DS, GBA, Vita, PSP, Android

I'm sure 'some' are complaining about having to pay for online, but not a significant majority. The 360 was able to charge and still sell more consoles than PS3 in US, and sign up lots of users to XBL. And Sony know they're offering a better deal than XBLG.

At the end of the day it's a balance for Sony, MS, Ninty between courting users & developers, growing market, and turning a profit. They have roughly 3 "nobs" to turn on price: price of console, price of games, price of services. They chose to increase the price of services. Which would you rather increase instead?

My 8th gen collection

Jega said:

Xbox Live was getting a little hate last gen for having to pay for it, while the PS3 was free to play online.

Many Xbox fans predicted that sony would change their tune after seeing how successful Microsoft was with the paid subscriptions.

PSN is no longer free.

Is PSN worth the price or was Playstation fans just upset that people were paying for live and not for PSN.


Mod edit: Took out the picture, feel free to replace it with an actual PSN picture.


Lol! You guys gotta love me!

Image courtesy of google images.

Well, let me preface this by saying I'm not happy about it, however, I won't damn Sony as much over it, because of a few simple reasons.  The only thing behind a paywall on PSN is what, Multiplayer and auto-trophy syncing?  So, you're paying only for the access to multiplayer.  Now, compare and contrast to XBL.  What things can you NOT access, if you don't have a Gold account? (The list is huge, check it out

The problem I have there is, you're actually paying on top of an already paid fee, for certain Netflix, for example.  You're also paying for something that costs Microsoft absolutely nothing.  It's not like some of the things they're charging for is actually contained on their servers.  So, how could all, be ok with that policy?  And the fact that millions of...people, bought into it, helped set the tone for other companies to go completely closed and start nickel and diming wherever and whenever possible.  Remember when you used to be able to get together with your buddies and rent game servers for virtually any MP game, at a cost of ~$45 bucks a month, between ALL of you?  Remember when you could experience some truly spectacular community driven multiplayer maps that in some cases were better than anything the developers themselves came up with (Barbarosa - CoD United, great bunch of people).  Remember seeing a cheater on your server that you could nuke with Admin controls, add their IP to the punkbuster master ban list, and chuckle silently to yourself knowing they weren't getting on any legit servers without going through some serious hoops?  Blech.  So much wrong with this gen, and how the companies have changed the industry, and how consumers have just swallowed it, hook line and sinker.

But yeah, I'm not thrilled at the paywall on the PS4, however, I do like that it's very very limited in scope, and that you get a TON of content in return (the amount of new games they just give away on PS+ is pretty ridiculous).  Now, if I ever feel like playing MP on a console (I'm primarily local MP in games like Street Fighter, King of Fighters, Dynasty Warriors etc...), I might have to pay for it.  Until then, I'm more than satisfied on PC.