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Forums - Gaming Discussion - Why is no one complaining about paying for PSN?

Mr Puggsly said:
BMaker11 said:

If they just flat out said "we're charging for online", I'd be livid. If that's all it was that was behind a paywall, there'd be no complaining about which is the better value because for all intents and purposes, they'd be equivalent.

But as it stands, they are not equivalent. PS+ get's you instant game collection as well as free monthly games, early beta access, play as you download, discounted PSN content, full game trials (meaning you can play whatever aspects a game has for an hour, not a scripted "1 hour demo" where you can only do certain things), and then online MP.

XBL only gives you online MP. It's not an apples to apples comparison. It's apples to oranges. How do you like them apples? Cause the nectar of these oranges is oh so sweet

Its clear to me free games alone wasn't drawing the masses in. That's why they're now charging for online play. I'm sure you agree.

For the record, XBL has been doing discounted prices for Gold member for years. Now Gold member get free games, access to F2P games, etc. So there is more to XBL than just MP as well.

Anyhow, quit being so defensive. I was right, simple as that.

Or because they saw that XBL is making MS billions a year and they don't want to miss out on that opportunity? PS+ is optional on PS3 because they started out with free PSN and they'd shoot themselves in the foot to try and strip that away from that userbase. PS4 is a new console, so they chose a different business model (albeit, I disagree with it).

And yes, you get free games, but they're either really old or really crappy. And I would never use F2P games as a merit for getting XBL. Paying to play free game? That's criminal.

I'm not being defensive, I was just justifying the point I was making, which is something you're supposed to strive to do when discussing things, right? And worse, you were wrong. Everyone that wasn't already a PS+ member complained. That's why there was a ruckous about it after E3 and they made paying for online only a small little bullet point in their presentation and tried to be tight lipped about it when asked. Find one person who went from "free online to having to pay for it? I'm totally cool with that".

I bet I can find people, on the other hand, that said "free online to having to pay for it? Screw that, I'm pissed. Oh, free games and many other things? Ok, I guess that's worth it if I have to pay for online". Nobody was "suddenly ok with it". There was just acceptance of the fact, after a storm of complaints.

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I don't like the fact that we have to pay now, HOWEVER Sony has gone a long way to make the service actually worth the money. It's not just access to a service, because a lot of the services themselves are free. It's access to a unique category of free titles with several discounts and benefits.

If I pay for Live, I can get online service with all those extra benefits that aren't free and older games.

Out of the two, PS Plus is the lesser evil because it's a more beneficial service for the money, and it's cheaper.

Vashyo said:
I don't like it, but atleast you get free games. It just sucks for me that I only play a few select games each gen usually. So I will likely never touch many of the games offered free cause they just don't interest me.

you must have a very, VERY narrow taste in games. 

My Console Library:

PS5, Switch, XSX

PS4, PS3, PS2, PS1, WiiU, Wii, GCN, N64 SNES, XBO, 360

3DS, DS, GBA, Vita, PSP, Android

Runa216 said:
Vashyo said:
I don't like it, but atleast you get free games. It just sucks for me that I only play a few select games each gen usually. So I will likely never touch many of the games offered free cause they just don't interest me.

you must have a very, VERY narrow taste in games. 

I actually have extremely wide taste in games, there's not a genre I don't play, I'm just very picky on what games get my attention.

I only play best of the genres though and games with some innovative new ideas (lacking on consoles since last gen has been all about sequelitis). There's also been a strong casualization element in most of my favorite series too so they don't appeal to me anymore.

I just prefer my games to have lot of content, have tons of depth and long replay value.

Mr Puggsly said:
I said it years ago...

Once Sony starts charging for online play, Playstation fans will suddenly be okay with the idea. As expected, now people just complain which is the better value.

Right now, yes you are 100% right it will be about if people feel paid for PS+ or Gold is offering better content and services.

I am not sure if PS fans would have suddenly been okay with the idea. So PS fans would be okay to pay for online play, something extra was needed. Sony got it right with PS+, they knew when developing the PS4 that they were going to charge for online play and imo as soon as it started PS+ was preparing the way. 

 "The main pillar for the PS4 will be online play. We're developing many new ways to play and connect which requires a large investment of resources," Yoshida said."Considering the cost, to try to keep such a service free and consequently lower the quality would be absurd. We decided that if that's the case, then it would be better to receive proper payment and continue to offer a good service."

Whatever anyones viewpoint for charging for online play, if you have to pay might as well get a good deal for having to. Imo the good deal that is PS+ is the reason as to why PS fans and new PS4 owners are not complaining. 

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PSN is still free for god's sake.

You're thinking of PSN+, a premium service that gives you several free games a month for about £3.

Gremdude said:
LivingMetal said:
Goatseye said:
LivingMetal said:


They're selling their service in XBL.

Does Microsoft allow Netflix to be used as an app without a Gold subscription?

They do not. The only thing you can do on an Xbox One without Gold is Blu-rays, single player games and TV.

Try telling that to the guy I was responding to.

d21lewis said:
Look, a lot of things have changed now. Just let it go.

-It was "You can't play sales", "I guess Justin Bieber is the best singer in the world, huh?". Now, with home consoles breaking records, sales are extremely important.

-Performance wasn't an issue before if the games were virtually identical. Now, if a game is less HD than another, it's crap .

-Mandatory installs and incredibly long updates were tolerable. Now, waiting 10 minutes for a game to install will kill you.

-It didn't matter which controller was best, as long as the controller was good enough for the games YOU wanted to play. Now, if you're playing with anything less than the best controller (as voted by most gaming sites, you're a loser.

-Paying an annual fee for online gaming was damn near criminal. How can any company hold half the game YOU PAID FOR hostage unless you paid an annual fee? Now, it's okay.

-Gay marriage was frowned up. Now, it's legal.

-Digital games "didn't count". Now, they're just as important as retail titles.

I hope you've learned something. These are different times and different rules will apply.

Are you saying since gay marriage was legalized we gotta pay for online gaming now?

Mr Puggsly said:
BMaker11 said:

If they just flat out said "we're charging for online", I'd be livid. If that's all it was that was behind a paywall, there'd be no complaining about which is the better value because for all intents and purposes, they'd be equivalent.

But as it stands, they are not equivalent. PS+ get's you instant game collection as well as free monthly games, early beta access, play as you download, discounted PSN content, full game trials (meaning you can play whatever aspects a game has for an hour, not a scripted "1 hour demo" where you can only do certain things), and then online MP.

XBL only gives you online MP. It's not an apples to apples comparison. It's apples to oranges. How do you like them apples? Cause the nectar of these oranges is oh so sweet

For the record, XBL has been doing discounted prices for Gold member for years. Now Gold member get free games-

Which are hilariously terrible.


In November you got A World of Kieflings and Iron Brigade, which are like £7 pieces of ****. In PSN+ November, there was Dragon's Dogma (a game normally priced aroung £40) Resogun, Contrast, and Soul Sacrafice.


MS are ripping you off again.

Actually NO, YOUR WRONG.

Sony saw that gamers on XBL are willing to pay for anything, even to play online. And for over 6 years to boot. Why continue to offer free online on PSN when over 30million 360 owners are giving them free money. 

Sony did what any smart company would have done, but hey, you still have free to play on the ps3, so there.