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Forums - Sony Discussion - Ni no Kuni 2 for PS4 announcement coming tomorrow !!!

Ooh an announcement of a possible announcement.
I'm hooked anyway, Ni No Kuni was the best game of 2013 for me. I hope the wait won't be as long this time.

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Rychussnik said:
if he's right (and he better be), the dude's gonna be famous on this site...

Why am I not famous then? I'm like the only real insider on this site who's "informed" people of things before they happen.

I have a best friend who is a game developer and when he tells me things it's in trust that I don't flap my lips about it. SO I keep my mouth shut as he could get into trouble. If you are telling the truth he trusted the wrong person.

Namco going to release a level -5 game?

"Excuse me sir, I see you have a weapon. Why don't you put it down and let's settle this like gentlemen"  ~ max

JoeTheBro said:
Rychussnik said:
if he's right (and he better be), the dude's gonna be famous on this site...

Why am I not famous then? I'm like the only real insider on this site who's "informed" people of things before they happen.

BenVtrigger is the only insider i know of that frequents this site, what's some info that you've leaked?

Me gusta queso 

psn id: rychussnik

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ps3_jrpg_gamer said:
yes he really works in namco , i believe he doesn t lie to me. I have told he how i love ni no kuni so he sent me a message on my email some minutes before. If this is a joke i will not speak to him when he will return to greece

Youre not a very good friend to him. When you give this kind of info he can be identified. I hope it isnt true so he doesnt lose his job because you ran your mouth.


       ---Member of the official Squeezol Fanclub---

Rychussnik said:
JoeTheBro said:
Rychussnik said:
if he's right (and he better be), the dude's gonna be famous on this site...

Why am I not famous then? I'm like the only real insider on this site who's "informed" people of things before they happen.

BenVtrigger is the only insider i know of that frequents this site, what's some info that you've leaked?

Haha Ben's not an insider. He just works at gamestop and has access to their numbers.

ps3_jrpg_gamer said:

i have to go know i have  french lessons i will try it later when i  return I WILL UPLOAD THIS FUCKING SHIT


Hey man don't worry about it, I'll believe you.  Besides, who doesn't want sequel to this amazing game right?!

On another note, I'm sure it'd eventually happen and fans shouldn't really care that much whether it'll be announced tomorrow or in the future.  Look at Final Fantasy Versus XIII XV, that was announced how long ago?

And say on the worst case scenario that Ni no Kuni 2 never got annouced; well at least hearing no news about it won't make fans wait almost a decade.

omg! this made my Friday :)