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Forums - Gaming Discussion - What will Reach 10m First? Vita or WiiU

Hmmm... it's hard but i'll take the risk, Wii U

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Nintendo Wii U!!!

The WiiU will get to 10Mil first

Doubt vita will reach it first. The Wii U will receive full support from Nintendo for some time. VIta on the other hand has moslty been abandoned, an accessory for the PS4 with Indie Games. Judging Killzone sales, it doesn't seem to have the consumer support either. 

I <3 Classic Platformers!

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As much as i hate to say this but Wii U is gonna reach 10m first just because there is a lot of great line up & exclusive games coming next year. Unless the psvita has upcoming exclusive game and not just some crappy re-release port,i don't see it reaching 10m before Wii U do. But of course this is depend when is Super Smash Bros. and other game gonna come out.

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I think the Wii U will make it first but not by much. I'm wondering if either PS4 or Xbone will make it to 10 million before this? Any thoughts?

put some tips up dude

vita 2012 vs wiiu 3.7M to 2.2m
and so far 2013 vita 2.3M to 1.8

its easy to see that vita is tracking ahead its even got a 2.2M lead on it with only 3.4M left to 10M i can make a easy decision and say vita and even PS4 XB1 will all get to 10M before the wiiu


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Hopefully the Wii U

Sony doesn't give a crap about the ps vita, and quite honestly, it deserves to flop, despite loving the system myself.

tripenfall said:
I think the Wii U will make it first but not by much. I'm wondering if either PS4 or Xbone will make it to 10 million before this? Any thoughts?

PS4 should reach 10 million well before WII U. I don't see VITA however getting to 10 million faster even if they did bundle it with the PS4 worldwide. The Vita has more of a niche vibe to it than mainstream in the west it seems to me.

I certainly have more of a desire to buy a WII U over a Vita.

At this rate they won't reach 10 million combined.