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Forums - Gaming Discussion - Is X1 forcing Kinect on us any different than PS3 forcing Bluray on us?



Yea! 301 40.13%
Nay! 447 59.60%

Lol wut?

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Microsoft aren't pushing anything. Why do people act like they are having it pushed?

Theres a console called PS4 for those who want no camera. Go buy that. People are fickle. They dont like change.

Kinect is Xbox. Its not an accessory. It is now part of what Xbox is. Im not going to go into why its a great addition. But people need to stop thinking they are being forced.

I don't say Apple is FORCING an old static OS for Iphone 5. I just turn around and choose amore modern Live OS from either Android or WP8.

I disagree with people saying Sony shouldn't have put Bluray in the console. They absolutely should have. Yes, it was expensive initially, but only £70 more than PS4 is now. And it got price cuts soon after.

I personally took up the BluRay format when I got my PS3 and never looked back. And I only buy on BluRay, never DVD. If it wasn't for PS3 I'm not sure I would have made the jump - and I'm sure there are many, many others out there who feel the same (even if some people never used the feature)/

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ofcourse, everything is forced including power cable on ps3 and power brick on xbox.

The question is what is compulsory for a game to work and what isnt?
Kinect isnt compulsory to play most xbox 360 games.
a blu-ray drive is compulsory to play physical games.

Surely youre not going to complain why they chose the superior format.

I think so, I actually use blueray. Not the kinect.


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Mr Puggsly said:

I'll be blunt, I can't point to a single game that was better thanks to Bluray. The best things Bluray had to offer on PS3 is higher quality video and no disc swaps.

It appears to me the only thing that motivated Sony to push Bluray was royalties and it made the PS3 signficantly more expensive. Had PS3 not included Bluray, it might have launched for $399.

Not everyone wants Kinect, but not everyone wanted Bluray either. So I ask again! Is forcing Kinect on people any different than Sony forcing Bluray on us for PS3?!

A console eneds an optical makes zero sense. IT also still played DVD's.

existenz2 said:

you need a higher capacity drive that DVD. DVD was not full HD capable. so no its nothing like kinect.


You obviously have no idea how things work.
DVD is very much HD capable, I can have "Ultra HD" I.E. 4k video on a DVD, it all comes down to how it's encoded and the hardware that's required to play everything back.

The problem is, it's storage capacity.

--::{PC Gaming Master Race}::--

Since when is Microsoft forcing Kinect on anyone?

They built a system with a vision in mind. And to achieve that greater vision the kinect is not something optional but it is required. It's like saying why does the SNES force those extra controller buttons on us?

If you don't want it don't buy it

“It appeared that there had even been demonstrations to thank Big Brother for raising the chocolate ration to twenty grams a week. And only yesterday, he reflected, it had been announced that the ration was to be reduced to twenty grams a week. Was it possible that they could swallow that, after only twenty-four hours? Yes, they swallowed it.”

- George Orwell, ‘1984’

Totally different and I'm glad Bluray was pushed! No wonder MS and Nintendo to bluray or bluray-like media!

Bluray as a media disc was necessary to play any type of game, if it wasn't bluray it would be the underpowered HD-DVD disk which totally sucks!

Kinect on the other way is not necessary for most of the games and mainly for gamers who prefer playing on the classic way (with the controller)

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Whoever thinks this is the same needs to have their brains tested.