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Forums - General Discussion - Where is everyone?

Damn I thought I was going to score Neos porn...

Well I'm glad wiiforever is banned, I can't wait till he's permanently banned, and he will be.

EDIT: Damn, this post ruined my pretty number.

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ArtofAngels said:

Don't pretend you're out with woman on Valentines day

These boards have been going so slow in recent times, I'm not seeing half of the regs that post here, no Leo-j, hardly any Soriku, no Weezy, plus many more familiar faces (Avatars) sometimes I refresh 10 times and there's not one new post despite over 1,000 people currently on the site.

I'm bored man, post people, make me laugh, entertain me!


I'm here, but I have to go in a few minutes.
If you're THAT lonely I could send you a hooker....actually, you live on the coast, you should be able to find one within walking distance.

It's a crime not to have sex on valentine's day. what the hell are you doing here? go find some! even if it means resorting to street whores...

*note: the above sentences are in no way intended to be serious*

I am going out shortly, maybe there's some yummy singles out tonight, LOL @ hooker's within walking distance comment.

Weezy left the site after complaining about people being sensitive.

Here's the last thread he posted in:

Yeah I know, he sent me a PM before he bailed, but he'll be back, everyone comes back.

Around the Network

sorikus having tinternet problems, leo-j is banned forever and neos is hiding from the government. I on the other hand have not left.

ArtofAngels said:
Yeah I know, he sent me a PM before he bailed, but he'll be back, everyone comes back.

 I don't think he'll come back. It's a shame, too. I really love the drama on his site.


Diomedes will be coming back soon, and so will Leo-J! 

I am Washu-bot B, loyal servant of Final-Fan, the greatest scientific genius in the universe!

Well I'm gone, have fun.

I'l liven up this site... cuntflaps

Cuntflaps LOL, Meat curtains.