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Forums - Gaming Discussion - Kotaku: Installing Xbox One Games Takes Way Too Long

tuscaniman99 said:
Euphoria14 said:
tuscaniman99 said:
RG3Hunna said:

I would be EXTREMELY upset if it took me 30 minutes to install a game like it takes XboxOne to install Ryse! This is extremely unacceptable in the 8th generation.

Still using discs is extremely unacceptable in the year 2013 almost 2014.

That might be one of the most ridiculous things I have ever heard.

So popping Assassin's Creed IV into my PS4 and playing it 30 seconds later is extremely unacceptable but going onto PSN and waiting hours just to download it is acceptable?

All i can say is "wow!"


This video shows why discs are obselete.

LOL  Just make sure your room is nice and quiet for Kinect to hear you, otherwise it will not be that seemless.

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Solution start install then play digital game like ki or soon project spark

But ms needs to figure out how to improve these times

tuscaniman99 said:

There are these cool things called reviews, demos, and renting. Hopefully digital renting becomes an option.

So what if I read a review, they say this game is "awesome", then I buy it and don't like it? That's just the price I pay for just dealing with it and giving up my "obsolete" disc?

Seriously dude, you need to understand how ridiculous you sound right now. I am almost at the point where I believe you're just trying to mess with me.

That or you're seriously unwilling to admit there is an issue here and instead just try to dimish the perk of having physical media and full ownership rights. Why that is though I wouldn't know.

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Azerth said:
Solution start install then play digital game like ki or soon project spark

But ms needs to figure out how to improve these times

Yes, they do need to figure this out as I am sure it will have an effect on their overall sales as long as the issue persists.

As someone else pointed out, this is probably a lingering effect of the initial DRM groundwork where all games were fully installed from disc. It was no doubt built from the ground up into the OS. A fix might take a while.

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Because who doesn't like graphs*

*that are favourable to your manufacturer of choice 

Actually, it's ok to not like this one because the bloody x axis is unlabelled. Amateur. 

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Sal.Paradise said:

Because who doesn't like graphs*

*that are favourable to your manufacturer of choice 

Actually, it's ok to not like this one because the bloody x axis is unlabelled. Amateur. 

I'm guessing that is in seconds.

Those are like DMC4 PS3 installation all over again.

iPhone = Great gaming device. Don't agree? Who cares, because you're wrong.

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freedquaker said:
What I really believe what's happening is the following:

PS4 is not really installing the games initially, but rather copying the essential components of the game to launch the game. From that point on, they continue "caching" starting from the most frequently used components to the least. Then when you first load a campaign, it will be relatively slower since chances that not all of the parts were cached, forcing some parts to be read from the disc. The good thing is that this is really a well executed / streamlined process, and further loading will be faster as they'll be entirely cached.

On XB1, however, they are just basically installing the game; stage by stage. This is why it takes this much time. So the stages that are installed are instantly available, and load slightly faster than PS4 as XB1 reads the entire data from the hard drive unlike PS4 which reads parts of data from the Bray disc until the installation process is complete.On XB1, this is an afterthought. MS didn't originally plan such a feature, and they are merely trying to "response" to the streamlined process on PS4. Things may improve later though.

That's exactly what's happening. The goal is to overcome the limitations of ones internet conneciton, blu-ray speeds, and the speeds of the HDD or SSD.

One way to get around this is to install just the parts you need to start the game while the rest is insatlling in the back ground. Sony announced these features a long time ago and are delivering on this promise. Microsoft are playing catchup.  Either way, I don't think that this means that the XB1 will beat the PS4's performance even if they add the features later. The reason is AMD Mantel and just overall better compute power in the PS4. 

tuscaniman99 said:
thismeintiel said:
tuscaniman99 said:
Shouldn't be using discs in the first place. Physical media is archaic. Going digital the rest of this gen. So it takes me 1 second to switch to another game while you have to get up, open case, grab disc, eject previous disc, insert new disc, put other disc away. Thanks but no thanks physical media needs to die right with Gamestop.

The vast majority of gamers disagree with you.

They will come around. Once you go digital you can't go back. Would you go back to CDs after MP3s? Same thing.

Actually, I do both.  As do most people.  Discs are going to be around for awhile.  At least until people are fine with not having a say over the things they bought.  So yea, awhile.

The "Install a little" and run the game was actually debuted on the PC first with StarCraft 2 and Diablo 3 and probably World of WarCraft.
They even do it with patching.

It's good to know the PS4 is simply better at handling game installing over the Xbox One though, that alone can be a deal breaker for some.
On the flip side it's still early days yet, things can change! The PS4 should continue to have an advantage as you can actually upgrade the Hard Drive to something faster so if you're installing and streaming a game you should get even more gains with a faster drive.

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ethomaz said:

DeadBigfoot21 said:

I only tried it with Ryse and DR3.

I got a little over 3 minutes on both.

I probably got a good working xbox one.

Plus i have friends that own one too and they tell me their installs are pretty fast too. Similar to their ps4 so i guess kotaku has a bad xbox.

Ryse and DR3 installs are fast... the multiplatform games are like the Kotaku showed... I saw the FIFA 14 install on Xbone and it takes over 5 minutes to start to play.... PS4 less than 1 minute.

oh ok i haven't tried those