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Forums - Gaming Discussion - Kotaku: Installing Xbox One Games Takes Way Too Long

ethomaz said:
The PS4's ARM CPU do the install job... so while the game is not installed it load from the Blu-ray and install the minimum to start the game... after that it start to use the assets installed in HDD while the ARM CPU install the later levels.

Yeah... looks like Magic.

So fast.

That's exactly it. It doesn't initially install but only copy the main crucial parts while the rest of the installation / caching is streamlined after the game start. This is why some games load more slowly on PS4 (as the data was not yet cached but read from the disc). These load times will improve after caching.

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LOL! Well I'm glad I went with PS4 instead of XB1.

Thats a huge difference in install times!

Only problem is that both promised being able to play instantly.

kowenicki said:
adriane23 said:
It seems like only yesterday, when 360 fans were making fun of SONY fans for mandatory installs and updates before each game could be played.

Indeed, and only yesteday that sony fans said it didnt matter.

Both wrong obvious

Not really.

I remember people saying it was annoying but a lot of games didnt need installing. When a game had a huge install people always complained. But its always best to go forwards with your designs. Would you not agree?

In this instance i think it is safe to say that M$ has gone backwards. The fact is when it comes to installs PS3>>>>>>>>>>>>Xbone. No point even mentioning the PS4

Nobody's perfect. I aint nobody!!!

Killzone 2. its not a fps. it a FIRST PERSON WAR SIMULATOR!!!! ..The true PLAYSTATION 3 launch date and market dominations is SEP 1st

kowenicki said:
ethomaz said:
Cerny fantastic feature Play & Install.

Xbox one has play and install.  Its clearly not working with certain games very well for some reason?

Hows that standby mode working out?  Far more relevant in my opinion.  This is a one time problem.  Starting up and waiting for every play thereafter is an every time problem. 

I can say xbox on and be signed in and playing the game from exactly where I left it off the night before in about 15 seconds. 


Just fine.  It's up and running in under 20 seconds.  How much under 20 seconds Idk because we all know anything under 30 is negligable to anyone but a fanboy...

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tuscaniman99 said:
SocialistSlayer said:
tuscaniman99 said:
SocialistSlayer said:
tuscaniman99 said:
ethomaz said:

Arcturus said:



no its quite simple. and if it took you 10 minutes to set up bluetooth, that is your fault. it shouldnt take anybody more than a minute. 

and if navigating a Cross is dificult for you, there's perhaps something wrong with you. either that, or your lying. because the xmb just may be the easiest thing to navigate, since there arent many layers/folders, its layed out in a Cross shape. scroll up/down, left/right.

also its extremely easy to go into standby mode, the PS4 just gives you options on what you want it to do in standby mode. like activate USB ports, stay connected to the internet, being able to remotely turn it on from the internet. if you dont want some of those features on, you can turn it off. 

its extremely simple.

I'm a computer graphics major and the XMB is a piece of trash. I would be embarrased if It was in my portfolio. It is not intuitive in any way. Thankfully the PS4 UI looks much improved.

its not fancy or flashy, but its extremely easy to navigate.

Yes it is easy to navigate and that is the only thing easy about it. Too many items hidden away in menus. It is not intuitive at all. Unless you know exactly where to look it takes a long time for certain things to get set up.

Stop complaining. The fact is I let my mum use my PS3 and she knew what to do without me even telling her.

If i gave her other consoles she would probabaly give up after just looking at the cluttered screen. The XMB is award winning. Why do you think that is?

Nobody's perfect. I aint nobody!!!

Killzone 2. its not a fps. it a FIRST PERSON WAR SIMULATOR!!!! ..The true PLAYSTATION 3 launch date and market dominations is SEP 1st

michael_stutzer said:

You can have sex while it is installing the games. Big deal.

You are fast man.  Your wife or girlfriend doesn't complain ?

God do the mods not realize how kowenicki derailed the entire thread? So typical of him, downplay this gargantuan advantage of PS4, focus on something else and praise it because the xBone apparently does better... BECAUSE THE FEATURE IS NOT FUCKING AVAILABLE ON THE PS4 YET

It feels like 30 seconds so it's all good.

kowenicki said:
Turkish said:
Dat moment when you realize PS4 is on average 30x faster than Xbone at installing.


Can you start up your ps4 and tell me how long it takes for you to be signed in and start playing a game from the previous day save  for me please?

takes 15 seconds on the ONE. 

Genuine question.



4:30 and 7:30

Edit: oh i misread the comment