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Forums - Gaming Discussion - How knowledgable is the Gaming guy/girl at the store near you?

Are we not aloud to joke on this website. I said nothing that was vulgar. There's much more to complain about than the statement that was made. And, if it offended you "I apologize"

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I no longer go to the EB Games by me because of an incident I had with them.

I went there one afternoon to buy a used PS2 network adapter from them for my brother's PS2. When I got home and opened it I saw that the disc was discolored and that the tiny pins inside the network adapter that connect it to the PS2 had been damaged. I took it back that night to get a refund and was told that all sales of used videogame equipment are final. So I left the store and swore never to go there again.

I did end up getting my money back though.. My brother had told my mom what happened and she told my sister. My sister is a lawyer and very umm aggressive when it comes to people getting ripped off, especially family, She picked up the network adapter and disc from me, went to the store, made a pretty big scene and did get a refund pretty quickly.

It was stupid on their part to screw me over since they have lost out on thousands of dollars of sales from me.

As for the other places I do go to, Wal-Mart, Future Shop, etc, I find the average person working at those stores only knows about the most popular games and that's it.

Always nice to drop in a Microplay and ask the guy, I want to buy Red Star on ps2 and the guy look at me with all those ???? Priceless hehe.

I've got the touch!!

I can't say really. Most seem like typically videogame nerds, with the nametags saying M. Bison and the like. So i'd say a fair amount.

Never really comes up though, since i always know my release dates and such. I usually just take what i want up to the register and that's about it.

I go to EBgames sometimes and they're quite knowledgeable... They rip-off though. I buy sometimes used games there but never used consoles. I go to Wal-Mart too (hey a dollar less is a dollar less!) and there's this cool old lady who plays VGs. She has all the consoles and stuff! XD

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All of the Game Stop's I go to, hardly any of the employees ever know what they are talking about. One of them though theres a manager I think who tried to talk me into buying Crysis and tried to get me to upgrade my computer. He was probably the only employee I have ever seen that knows anything. When I don't go to Game Stop I just ask the employee to get the game out from behind the glass and thats about it.

Hi, this is Vince with Shamwow.

The employees at my local Gamestop are cool and knowledgable. I don't go int there very often. In fact, the last two times I went in there, I just pre-ordered a game, and then left (well there was one other time in between those two times, when I picked up Guitar hero III, but that doesn't really count). Anyway, whenever I do have a question, they always know the answer, and never seem too biased towards any particular system.

Add me on Xbox Live: TopCat8

it depends on teh area---at my local McVans (used game store)

there is a guy that knows every up to the NES --huge Atari nut

then there is a guy who lives and breaths the DS

also have one that knows the 360/xbox better then his own name

and the other guy at the store is a big ps2 fan--not Ps3/Ps1 for some reason

Nothing on the Wii....which is sad


well the guy at my walmart know alot about videgames he knows which ones are good and bad and he owns all the systems

tag:"reviews only matter for the real hardcore gamer"

Every once in awhile I'll encounter a non-biased Game Stop/EB Games employee who actually knows about gaming.

I hate going into one of those stores as a PS3 owner. Great example: Getting my DMC 4 Pre order.

The dude tried to convince me to sell my PS3 and games for a 360 and Halo and the Xbox version of DMC 4.

Oh the sad failing attempts from Game Stop employee's :(