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Forums - Sales Discussion - PSP outsells DS two weeks in a row in Japan.

Sorry if there is already a thread about this.

I know last week it was by 100 units but still. This week it was by roughly 20K, a very big margin.

What do you think this is down to? There were no major releases for either console. Has DS reached saturation point? Has the new slim lite PSP model worked wonders? 


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DS has reached saturation point. I have no idea why the psp is doing so well but it makes me more bitter and angry with every passing day.



Everyone has a DS, so now they need something else. I guess, lol.

Deja vu. Remember when the PS3 beat the Wii for a couple weeks? We all know how that turned out. *looks at current Wii and PS3 sales in Japan*

Yeah, it does seem like it's reached saturation point there, though I see it selling another 15-20 million there if it is on the market for 5-6 more years. More if it gets another redesign.

That's good for the PSP, although the DS is still kicking its' ass worldwide, making the 20,000 relatively insignificant.

Could I trouble you for some maple syrup to go with the plate of roffles you just served up?

Tag, courtesy of fkusumot: "Why do most of the PS3 fanboys have avatars that looks totally pissed?"
"Ok, girl's trapped in the elevator, and the power's off.  I swear, if a zombie comes around the next corner..."
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FishyJoe said:
Deja vu. Remember when the PS3 beat the Wii for a couple weeks? We all know how that turned out. *looks at current Wii and PS3 sales in Japan*

 That was because of a new colour and DW5 and a slight price cut. This isn't.

You warn people about cherry picking. Maybe someone should warn you about completely ignoring the scenario's.  

This has too happen sooner or later. DS has reached nearly the entire Japan gaming market by now. The PSP also is a attractive item and is selling quite well. A few good games coming up as well.

I think it's due to the new releases of psp

DS is on the verge of outselling the PS2 in just a bit over 3 years on the market, it can't keep up such insane sales forever. It simply had to fall off in Japan eventually.

Strong PSP hardware sales are a bit more puzzling, as PSP software remains fairly low in Japan. I suppose either people are getting a lot of mileage out of the PSP as a media device (or illegally, as an emulator), or former PSP owners are replacing their systems with the new model (an argument that can also be used against the PS2 and DS, but both those systems have much stronger software sales).

Saying that the PSP is outselling the DS is sort of meaningless, because the DS has an enormous 14 million lead in Japan. That's certainly not going to change anytime soon. But it is impressive that hardware that has lost the console war so thoroughly continues to sell pretty well, as that certainly bucks the trend in the Japanese market.

tombi123 said:
FishyJoe said:
Deja vu. Remember when the PS3 beat the Wii for a couple weeks? We all know how that turned out. *looks at current Wii and PS3 sales in Japan*

That was because of a new colour and DW5 and a slight price cut. This isn't.

You warn people about cherry picking. Maybe someone should warn you about completely ignoring the scenario's.

I agree. 


 I can't explain the reason, i doubt it is market saturation but i can't think of any other reason.  Good for the PSP though.