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Forums - Sales Discussion - Proving Sony didn't sell (but shipped) 1 million units in UK

9.94 million actually

All hail the KING, Andrespetmonkey

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This thread looks like a desperate effort of an Xboxfan,I know you're one Gebx but I think it's not useful,whatever...

@ OT7

I'd have to agree.

VGCHARTZ now says 957K sold to date. So in 3 weeks it will be there, maybe two.

Hm. Okay. That might be right. If the PS3 sold 873k in 2007, the million isn't that unrealistic. But - even 127k is a very high number. But no matter if it sold one million until now - vgchartz did undertrack the PS3 for about 50k to the end of 2007, if the 873k are right.

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HappySqurriel said:
100% of the proof needed: Sony ONLY announces "Sold to Retailer" numbers, thus the 1 Million sold represents "Sold to Retailers." Being that vgchartz has (roughly) 850,000 units sold in the UK this implies that Sony has shipped 150,000 units to retailers in the UK which have currently not been sold to consumers.

 That's why they were undertracked here, but they were not over 1 million sold (just to retail)

wow, i really dont know why everytime ps3 sells a massive amount of consoles, people say " o sony just counts units shipped" and bulls*** like that. why cant people accept the fact that ps3 IS selling. who ever says something like that is a fanboy in my opinion. i never said that 360 shipped more than sold, i actually accept the fact that it sold almost 18 million consoles

CaptainPrefrences said:
wow, i really dont know why everytime ps3 sells a massive amount of consoles, people say " o sony just counts units shipped" and bulls*** like that.

Because Sony does count units shipped to retail. Just like MS and Nintendo.

Or check out my new webcomic:

^where do you get 18 million from then? Microsoft?.... guess what, that's shipped. (I am assuming you just added 500k to the 17.5 million shipped number)

Nintendo 20.13 million at the end of December... well that would be shipped too.

According to the three companies all those consoles are sold of course, but that doesn't mean that many are in peoples homes.


I have no problem with the PS3 selling well, what I have a problem with is no-one seems to understand the ifferences between shipped and sold, particularly with Sony's numbers because they often mix their own shipped numbers with tracked numbers given for the other consoles.

Sony has a history of saying things to make them look better than they are... You know PR spin...

End of 2009 Predictions (Set, January 1st 2009)

Wii- 72 million   3rd Year Peak, better slate of releases

360- 37 million   Should trend down slightly after 3rd year peak

PS3- 29 million  Sales should pick up next year, 3rd year peak and price cut