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Forums - Gaming Discussion - Polygon Caught Lying About PS4 on Their Xbox One Stream

zumnupy10 said:
SxyxS said:
guess why they gave killzone 50%
and will give titanfall 99%(they already know they will rate it that way)
There is a reason why xbox is successfull in english speaking countries but not in the rest.
We will see lots of that stuff in the future in the US/UK media(btw that also explains why a fake killzone trailer caused 10x more outrage than a noisy box with a 50% failure rate or a fake kinect presentation)

heavy tools will be needed to pull polygon presstitutes out of MS' ass to the sunlight of truth

I never understood how this didn't get more press attention.

i feel like im missing something. what are you guys talking about?


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Wow. What a douchbag...

Dude... This needs to be exposed. Blow this up on the internet now.

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allblue said:
Put it up on reddit, clearly a group of fanboys masquerading as a legit review site has to be exposed. Get it on neogaf also.

NeoGaf locked it after three posts.  I think it was because of the inflammatory title

The Screamapillar is easily identified by its constant screaming—it even screams in its sleep. The Screamapillar is the favorite food of everything, is sexually attracted to fire, and needs constant reassurance or it will die.

Instead of admitting he made a mistake he runs and hides....Pathetic.

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bananaking21 said:
the amount of xbox fans in here defending polygon is amazing.


Sorry if I have offended someone.



-Mr Khan

pretty sad that he blocked you for asking why he was spreading nonsense but yeah, site is endorsed by microsoft themselves so he can't really speak too freely I guess, it's kinda his job. You never see someone in a coke advert stopping and saying.... hmmm I could really go for a pepsi right now :D

Why not check me out on youtube and help me on the way to 2k subs over at

The reaction of Playtions fanboys to Xbox good reception is pathetic.

Calling professional "liars" for just mis interpretate a obscure feature of PS4 that no one have heard.

Guys, grow up. You won´t get any where with tis kind of behavour.

What is the matter if Xbox One is a better midia center? has better lauch line up of games and apps? it´s easier to use and promisses a wonderfull future?

Dark_Feanor said:
The reaction of Playtions fanboys to Xbox good reception is pathetic.

Calling professional "liars" for just mis interpretate a obscure feature of PS4 that no one have heard.

Guys, grow up. You won´t get any where with tis kind of behavour.

What is the matter if Xbox One is a better midia center? has better lauch line up of games and apps? it´s easier to use and promisses a wonderfull future?

But wait, I thought a console being a media center was meant to be frowned upon!

And you're right, the Xbox 1 does have a better launch line up, thank you based Halo CE, PGR, Oddworld, JSRF.. oh wait, wrong "Xbox 1"...

I was watching the Polygon live stream again...

The system didn't works... that's what I can say from what I watched...

It is even funny because neither the Polygon's guys knows how the features are not working... the UI for now is really broke.