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Forums - Nintendo Discussion - FAST Racing NEO powered by 2nd generation engine for Wii U supports and uses 4k-8k textures

megafenix said:
fatslob-:O said:
megafenix said:
fatslob-:O said:
AgentZorn said:
fatsob, are you interested in getting a Wii U? You seem to be very interested.

No sir, I'm only interested in knowing about it's hardware sir. LOL

Once the games come I'll eventually pick it up and enjoy it unlike others here arguing something pointless. 

like wii u edram being only 70gb/s which suggests an edram of 2048bits despite renesas doesnt support it?

saying things like there is little use for edram since its onlyu 32 megabytes despite eyeofcore schooling you, no sorry, i mean, shinen schooling you?

choosing 1024 bits despìte gamecube was 512 bits more than a decade ago?

choosing rthe worst edram configuration instead of the best or at least th middle one of 4096 bits despite renesdas saying that wii u use the best of the best?


talk about pointless

8192 bits

LOL You know that these corporations don't care about you. Quit defending the WII Us specs and start excepting reality. Nintendo obviously cheeped out on the WII U hardware as a whole. Just deal with it. 

ne, i am not defending the specs, just exposing facts

you should stop desceiving people and lowering the actual specs


coe on, does it really hurt if wii u has 500 gigaflops in the gpu and 563 gb/s of edram bandwidth?

thats not going to make it better than xbox one and ps4, yet it clearly sets it atop the current consoles


what you do is the contrary, you lower the specs so much that arent beleiveable

@Bold Man that is some insane thinking you got going on there. The definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and expecting a different result. You'd fit that mantra perfectly I'd say. Those year later multiplats ain`t superior on the WII U LOL.

I'm not some drone or corporate slave. I have no allegiance to anyone else other than maybe intel. How hard is it to deal with the facts ?!

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gmcmen said:
fatslob-:O said:
megafenix said:
fatslob-:O said:
AgentZorn said:
fatsob, are you interested in getting a Wii U? You seem to be very interested.

No sir, I'm only interested in knowing about it's hardware sir. LOL

Once the games come I'll eventually pick it up and enjoy it unlike others here arguing something pointless. 

like wii u edram being only 70gb/s which suggests an edram of 2048bits despite renesas doesnt support it?

saying things like there is little use for edram since its onlyu 32 megabytes despite eyeofcore schooling you, no sorry, i mean, shinen schooling you?

choosing 1024 bits despìte gamecube was 512 bits more than a decade ago?

choosing rthe worst edram configuration instead of the best or at least th middle one of 4096 bits despite renesdas saying that wii u use the best of the best?


talk about pointless

8192 bits

LOL You know that these corporations don't care about you. Quit defending the WII Us specs and start excepting reality. Nintendo obviously cheeped out on the WII U hardware as a whole. Just deal with it. 

And do you think nintendo fans really care, sure they argue about te wiiu being  much more powerful then currentgen, just to to feel better out the wiiu purchase but they really don't care, just look at 3d mario world, its a nice looking game by all means, but nothing close to being top tier when you compare it to 360/ps3, yet nintendo fans feels it nextgen cause its mario, finally in HD, now replace mario and put knack in those mario 3d world pics and everybody would be saying how ugly it is.

Weren`t you the one who wanted me to make a thread about how the WII U has the inferior version of COD Ghosts ?

fatslob-:O said:
gmcmen said:
fatslob-:O said:
megafenix said:
fatslob-:O said:
AgentZorn said:
fatsob, are you interested in getting a Wii U? You seem to be very interested.

No sir, I'm only interested in knowing about it's hardware sir. LOL

Once the games come I'll eventually pick it up and enjoy it unlike others here arguing something pointless. 

like wii u edram being only 70gb/s which suggests an edram of 2048bits despite renesas doesnt support it?

saying things like there is little use for edram since its onlyu 32 megabytes despite eyeofcore schooling you, no sorry, i mean, shinen schooling you?

choosing 1024 bits despìte gamecube was 512 bits more than a decade ago?

choosing rthe worst edram configuration instead of the best or at least th middle one of 4096 bits despite renesdas saying that wii u use the best of the best?


talk about pointless

8192 bits

LOL You know that these corporations don't care about you. Quit defending the WII Us specs and start excepting reality. Nintendo obviously cheeped out on the WII U hardware as a whole. Just deal with it. 

And do you think nintendo fans really care, sure they argue about te wiiu being  much more powerful then currentgen, just to to feel better out the wiiu purchase but they really don't care, just look at 3d mario world, its a nice looking game by all means, but nothing close to being top tier when you compare it to 360/ps3, yet nintendo fans feels it nextgen cause its mario, finally in HD, now replace mario and put knack in those mario 3d world pics and everybody would be saying how ugly it is.

Weren`t you the one who wanted me to make a thread about how the WII U has the inferior version of COD Ghosts ?

yea i have a wiiu and 360 and was pissed off cause i was reading impressions from wiiu gamers that  batman orgins and COD were much better on wiiu, i got burned with batman. they swore it looked and ran much better then the currengen versions.

gmcmen said:

And do you think nintendo fans really care, sure they argue about te wiiu being  much more powerful then currentgen, just to to feel better out the wiiu purchase but they really don't care, just look at 3d mario world, its a nice looking game by all means, but nothing close to being top tier when you compare it to 360/ps3, yet nintendo fans feels it nextgen cause its mario, finally in HD, now replace mario and put knack in those mario 3d world pics and everybody would be saying how ugly it is.

No, people say Knack is ugly cos it looks bland, while Mario looks colourful and lively.

gmcmen said:
fatslob-:O said:
gmcmen said:
fatslob-:O said:
megafenix said:
fatslob-:O said:
AgentZorn said:
fatsob, are you interested in getting a Wii U? You seem to be very interested.

No sir, I'm only interested in knowing about it's hardware sir. LOL

Once the games come I'll eventually pick it up and enjoy it unlike others here arguing something pointless. 

like wii u edram being only 70gb/s which suggests an edram of 2048bits despite renesas doesnt support it?

saying things like there is little use for edram since its onlyu 32 megabytes despite eyeofcore schooling you, no sorry, i mean, shinen schooling you?

choosing 1024 bits despìte gamecube was 512 bits more than a decade ago?

choosing rthe worst edram configuration instead of the best or at least th middle one of 4096 bits despite renesdas saying that wii u use the best of the best?


talk about pointless

8192 bits

LOL You know that these corporations don't care about you. Quit defending the WII Us specs and start excepting reality. Nintendo obviously cheeped out on the WII U hardware as a whole. Just deal with it. 

And do you think nintendo fans really care, sure they argue about te wiiu being  much more powerful then currentgen, just to to feel better out the wiiu purchase but they really don't care, just look at 3d mario world, its a nice looking game by all means, but nothing close to being top tier when you compare it to 360/ps3, yet nintendo fans feels it nextgen cause its mario, finally in HD, now replace mario and put knack in those mario 3d world pics and everybody would be saying how ugly it is.

Weren`t you the one who wanted me to make a thread about how the WII U has the inferior version of COD Ghosts ?

yea i have a wiiu and 360 and was pissed off cause i was reading impressions from wiiu gamers that  batman orgins and COD were much better on wiiu, i got burned with batman. they swore it looked and ran much better then the currengen versions.

What were you expecting ? They had the same engines from the last games which the WII U faired poorly in. Those gamers probably also fit into the definition of insanity too LOL. 

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ports will always make thw wii u to underpeform unless the developers change te source code to reallocate resources from main ram to cache or edram, and of course, they also have to leave the sound process to the dsp and use the other core of the wii u cpu for other job to speed up things

of course this takes time and effort and must of the dont ,mind doing it

megafenix said:
ports will always make thw wii u to underpeform unless the developers change te source code to reallocate resources from main ram to cache or edram, and of course, they also have to leave the sound process to the dsp and use the other core of the wii u cpu for other job to speed up things

of course this takes time and effort and must of the dont ,mind doing it

This sounds like damage control for the WII U. 

If the WII U truly had more "power" these ports wouldn't be struggling because a game will automatically take advantage of more powerful hardware such as the PC. It wouldn't take any effort whatsoever if the hardware was truly more powerful. 

Clearly the WII U fails to provide the much needed bandwidth, fillrate, and processing power for games like COD and batman. 

fatslob-:O said:
megafenix said:
ports will always make thw wii u to underpeform unless the developers change te source code to reallocate resources from main ram to cache or edram, and of course, they also have to leave the sound process to the dsp and use the other core of the wii u cpu for other job to speed up things

of course this takes time and effort and must of the dont ,mind doing it

This sounds like damage control for the WII U. 

If the WII U truly had more "power" these ports wouldn't be struggling because a game will automatically take advantage of more powerful hardware such as the PC. It wouldn't take any effort whatsoever if the hardware was truly more powerful. 

Clearly the WII U fails to provide the much needed bandwidth, fillrate, and processing power for games like COD and batman. 

it5 doesnt really matter how powerful it is if the source code doesnt take profit of the system

the port comes fro xbox, so what the source code takes into account?

only 1 mega of cache

only 10 megas of cache


even if wiiu has triple of that, the source code doesnt use it since its a port of xbox, all what could have been fitted on teh extra cache and edram does directky to main ram sicne the source code tells the system to do so


so, to sollve it, developers have to reallocate the resources, but mmust of them dont mind since are in a hurry


ps4 doesnt have to struggle with this since doesnt have edram, just a big gddr5 main ram, so no matter hopw lazy the developers are, the possibility of making a crap port is very unlikely, is way easier to use ain ram than edram

I think it's a bannable offence spamming a thread with 40+ posts from a single user.

curl-6 said:
gmcmen said:

And do you think nintendo fans really care, sure they argue about te wiiu being  much more powerful then currentgen, just to to feel better out the wiiu purchase but they really don't care, just look at 3d mario world, its a nice looking game by all means, but nothing close to being top tier when you compare it to 360/ps3, yet nintendo fans feels it nextgen cause its mario, finally in HD, now replace mario and put knack in those mario 3d world pics and everybody would be saying how ugly it is.

No, people say Knack is ugly cos it looks bland, while Mario looks colourful and lively.

honestly both look bland as hell, mario 3d environments looks pretty barren, and the heavy use of bloom feels like its 2006 again. I'm not a fan of all the shaders and depth of field they shit on the screen. It screams "we finally have shaders".  sonic generations looks so much better then both that it makes me sad, i expect mario galaxy 3 to match sonic genertions graphically and if they can do it at 60fps then that would be a dream come true.