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Forums - Gaming Discussion - Old Smash Bros 64 Review: Terrible Game That Will Never Succeed

It's a blast to read, especially if you've been around the gaming scene since the first smash bros came out. Wonder what this reviewer would give brawl?

Highlights include the reviewer's errant belief that Captain Falcon is a Starfox character (imagine, then we could have 4 Fox clones), and his open admission that he never tried the multiplayer.

Crusty VGchartz old timer who sporadically returns & posts. Let's debate nebulous shit and expand our perpectives. Or whatever.

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Ha ha, brillaint.

I never knew Captain Falcon came from Starfox

lmao, nice. I am reading now.

I don't need your console war.
It feeds the rich while it buries the poor.
You're power hungry, spinnin' stories, and bein' graphics whores.
I don't need your console war.


That was the worst review I've ever seen. Not suprising from EP, I think when that show was on G4, Tommy Tallarico was a reviewer and gave Tales of Symphonia like a 5/10, or something.

I don't need your console war.
It feeds the rich while it buries the poor.
You're power hungry, spinnin' stories, and bein' graphics whores.
I don't need your console war.


2/10? What a crap. I will not buy this game. Die Nintendo!

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That is exactly what I thought when I played it.

Admittedly, I only read the first few paragraphs, but I have to say that I agree with every word. It was way too simple compared to other fighting games that were around at the time and it was obviously designed as pure fan-service to milk the pocket money out of naive kids.

"nothing more than a blatant suck on the wallets of the fans of the fluff of the fat-heads"

So very, very true. I applaud his integrity.

The funny thing is, Super Smash Bros. is doing quite well on both the rental and the sales charts in spite of my disapproval. I assumed "everyone" could perceive Super Smash Bros. as a cheap cannibalisation of games and characters who’s days of glory are long past...

And, while I recently praised Nintendo for at least showing the gumption of utilising the franchise mandate in a fairly fresh way by having their tired-old, same-old characters jump from genre to genre, now I can only praise them for a very good marketing department (and all in one, long, run-on sentence, too!).

How they managed to convince so many people that this Smash crap is what "everyone" has been asking for all along is beyond me.

This might very well be the pinnacle achievement for Nintendo. Convincing gamers that a fluffy-kiddie, cutesy-wutesy character called Jigglypuff (another conniption causing character from Pokemon) can kick butt with the best of ‘em by singing its opponents to sleep is no small feat. Still, it’s a feat that stinks.

So this reviewer is/was basically saying that its view is right while all the others that discord with him are/were plenty wrong.
What a fool , he remind me of something that happen nowadays ...

 “In the entertainment business, there are only heaven and hell, and nothing in between and as soon as our customers bore of our products, we will crash.”  Hiroshi Yamauchi

TAG:  Like a Yamauchi pimp slap delivered by Il Maelstrom; serving it up with style.

See kids, anyone can become a reviewer.

Played_Out said:
That is exactly what I thought when I played it.

Admittedly, I only read the first few paragraphs, but I have to say that I agree with every word. It was way too simple compared to other fighting games that were around at the time and it was obviously designed as pure fan-service to milk the pocket money out of naive kids.

"nothing more than a blatant suck on the wallets of the fans of the fluff of the fat-heads"

So very, very true. I applaud his integrity.

Congratulations, you just applauded the integrity of a man who reviewed Smash Brothers, gave it a 2 out of 10, and never played it against another human being.


You also just cheered when someone said that Smash brothers was a suck on our wallets, implying it was a cheaply put together game, when in actuality it has always been expensively and obsessively developed and delayed until it was ready.


It's funny how you consistantly end up on the opposing side of Nintendo development.


Wise up, here's what you should be doing:


Applaud the integrity of reviewers who base their reviews on the quality and concept of the game, and not their own personal reviewers tilt score. Applaud reviewers who recognize quality development and attention to detail.


I could see you hip-hip hurraying him for giving the game a 6/10, and in all honesty, a 6/10 would have hurt a lot more than a 2/10 would.


Anyone who sees this review now, reads the majority of it, and is like "you know, he's right" is a damn fool. The review is a joke, the author certainly regrets its existance, and anyone who hops into a post like this and says: "Wow, he's exactly right," has just missed the point so utterly and completely, that I'm remiss to describe it in words.

I don't need your console war.
It feeds the rich while it buries the poor.
You're power hungry, spinnin' stories, and bein' graphics whores.
I don't need your console war.


^^ Actually I was applauding him not kowtowing to populist opinion.

Saying it was a suck on your wallets was not an implication that it was a cheaply put together game. It was an implication that the main reason people bought the game is because they are fans of the Nintendo characters that appear in it, rather than because it is a good game in itself. It is/was quite clear to me that the primary reason for grouping together a bunch of popular game characters is to sell more copies of an otherwise uninteresting game. I, and the reviewer in question, see this as a cheap marketing ploy, and one which, judging by your comments and the popularity of the series, has been incredibly successful.

You can disagree with me all you want, but calling me a fool certainly doesn't make me one. I agree with the reviewer because I think the game is incredibly primitive. I have always been a fan of fighting games, and whereas games like Mortal Kombat, Virtua Fighter and Tekken advanced the genre, Smash Brothers played like a Street Fighter 2 era game. I was a big fan of SF2 at the time of it's release, but after so many more sophisticated fighters, games like that just seem far too basic.

Also, saying that I "missed the point" is ridiculous. Your point was quite clear, but I just so happened to offer a dissenting opinion. In fact, the only point of yours with which I agree is that it really doesn't make sense to judge a fighting game without having played it against another person. Even Tekken is crap in single player.