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Forums - Website Topics - A suggestion on spam

@ mesoteto

A post count reset would be awesome. That just may work.

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That's not going to work because the spammers are spamming all over the forum. Just liek the 4 word rule, doesn't actually affect most of the spammers.

Tag - "No trolling on my watch!"

SeriousWB said:

This is just a little suggestion to keep post counts sky rocketing over night, and this thread is not a reaction to anything or anyone :P

I propose that posts in the Off-Topic forum not actually add to members' postcounts.


 WHAT??? Posts in the off topic count are still posts. therefore, they should still count as POSTS in the post count. To those thinking u should permaban me: If u do that, u gotta ban Brute and Soriku too cause I thought u classified those ppl as "spammers" (which they arn't) too

^ Not as bad as you are

I think Wiiforever's post count needs to be reset but I don't think that's going to stop his spamming.

Said spamming is a new breed. I'm familiar with stealth trolling but I think I have to label wiiforever's posts as stealth spamming. A good example is how he goes into each thread and replies to every single sarcastic or misleading reply with something like "that's not true!" or "why would you say that," pretending as if the concept is completely foreign to him, so he either has to be 8 years old and can't comprehend sarcasm or he's doing it on purpose. His replies fit the general posting rules but are completely and utterly worthless in all content.

Tag - "No trolling on my watch!"

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^stop assuming I'm einstein here!!! I know that ur directing this thread exactly at me but u guys go to stop the bashing! My last 100 posts or so have been mostly about defending myself cause of ur constant bashing!!!!!
Not even Soriku (my master) supports this idea!

ClaudeLv250 said:
I think Wiiforever's post count needs to be reset but I don't think that's going to stop his spamming.

Said spamming is a new breed. I'm familiar with stealth trolling but I think I have to label wiiforever's posts as stealth spamming. A good example is how he goes into each thread and replies to every single sarcastic or misleading reply with something like "that's not true!" or "why would you say that," pretending as if the concept is completely foreign to him, so he either has to be 8 years old and can't comprehend sarcasm or he's doing it on purpose. His replies fit the general posting rules but are completely and utterly worthless in all content.

I think you hit the nail on the head, it's like his brain looks for little holes in threads in which he can feel he'll get away with a 3-4 worded reply, hoping we're all slow and we'd think 'Ahh it's okay because I can see why he replied like that'

The Wii has been hacked.

^ LOL but so true

He's trying to find out ways to spam without looking like it, and we've finally caught on.

^no...I have longer replies too (my average post length is prob around 15 words!) also, y would I "hunt" fo I can have a short reply? No one does that!

Sorry...but aren't we taking the definition of spamming a bit too far? This site has a heavy off-topic following (just like any forum), and many of wiiforever's posts fit perfectly fine there. I do agree with the slamming that he took on his "2000 posts" thread. Arrogance of any kind shouldn't go without a swift kick in the pants....but we all know how he got those posts. We all know how Soriku got his posts.....and we know who refreshes their own profiles (won't name names here....that could be for another thread).

These people evidently value quantity over quality and rely on the numbers in their profile (views, post count, comments, friends) to give them a lift for their real-world lives. If they need it that much, should we be trying to take that away. If it makes them happy (don't know why it would) then let them keep them.

But make this a warning...maybe link to wiiforever's thread, that congratulating yourself on copious spamming will only get you a post by ArtofAngels with enough venom and bile to complete cancel out any happy thoughts you may have experienced by admiring your own profile.