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Forums - Sony Discussion - BREAKING NEWS: 400,000 Ps4's Dead on Arrival

Sony d0med, confirmed.

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PLease go buy a microscope, use it to find your microscopic penis and then proceed to cut you balls off.

This is the Game of Thrones

Where you either win

or you DIE

ps3-sales! said:
This just in, ps4 actually isn't a real console. It's a vita in disguise.

This just in, Xbox360 fanbays are not real gamers, there douchbags in disguise.


>User was banned for this post [RH]

This is the Game of Thrones

Where you either win

or you DIE

Mummelmann said:
Sony d0med, confirmed.

No they chose the d0med chasis for the ps3. This time they have chosen the "epic failure rate" design

Man. People are really getting bent out of shape by this thread. Good job, Max!

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attaboy said:
Joke thread? I kinda needed this to be true. Dammit, Max.

It was expected. The Microsoft's method of inflating the shipment numbers by shipping broken consoles and forcing people to buy a new one was just too good to pass up. Now those 400000 people will go out and buy a new one. Tomorrow they will say the sellthrough is over 1.4 million and hardly anybody will know the truth.

michael_stutzer said:
It was expected. The Microsoft's method of inflating the shipment numbers by shipping broken consoles and forcing people to buy a new one was just too good to pass up. Now those 400000 people will go out and buy a new one. Tomorrow they will say the sellthrough is over 1.4 million and hardly anybody will know the truth.

Absolutely genious. Nintendo should take cues from these two

SlayerRondo said:
ps3-sales! said:
This just in, ps4 actually isn't a real console. It's a vita in disguise.

This just in, Xbox360 fanbays are not real gamers, there douchbags in disguise.

o_O I hope you are aware that both "ps3-sales" and the thread creator "Max" are actually very pro Sony and are being sarcastic/try to mock the few people who believe that there is a huge problem


michael_stutzer said:
It was expected. The Microsoft's method of inflating the shipment numbers by shipping broken consoles and forcing people to buy a new one was just too good to pass up. Now those 400000 people will go out and buy a new one. Tomorrow they will say the sellthrough is over 1.4 million and hardly anybody will know the truth.

I'll drink to that!