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Forums - Nintendo Discussion - wii owners, how much could you get for the price of a ps3?

Username2324 said:
Where's the BD Player? Memory card readers? No blu-tooth? No free movies? Bummer dude, not to mention you've totally missed out on the beauty of High Definition. Any PS3 purchased up til Januray 30, 2008 came with 5 BD movies a $150 value.

Also I don't think its fair to count a gift card as no cost to you, shoot what if I had a $1000 gift card and got the console, movies, and 10 games, should I post that as a total cost of $0? The traded games, you shouldn't even count those since you had to trade in games that you PAID for.

And sales shouldn't be considered a real bonus because similar sales go on all console platforms.

You sir, fail.

I own a Toshiba Regza 42' LCD 1080p television, a Wii and a PS3.


There is no way in hell your gonna tell me you got as much utility per dollar out of your PS3 if you bought it when it was 600 bucks, as you did out of your Wii.


5 Blu-Ray movies? Wtf man? "No blu-tooth"?


I think your hatred of the TC or fanboyism for Sony might have clouded your judgement.


With component cables and 420P, on my TV, the Wii looks damn good. Not as sharp good as my PS3, granted, but it definately isn't "standard def" looking as most would have you believe. People want to make it seem like the Wii looks the same on a HDTV as it does on standard def, and it doesn't.


I'm not a videophile, but the Wii games, and particularly the menu, look 10000x better on my HD set than they do on my Standard. The difference between the increase in quality from standard TV to my Wii, is greater than the difference in picture quality from on my HD set from my Wii to PS3.


That's not saying the PS3 doesn't have MUCH better graphics, but strictly picture quality and clarity, through components, the Wii stacks up.


Now, graphically, the PS3 looks amazing in standard of high-def.


It's just sickening to me when PS3 fanboys act like the PS3 is the only system that gains advantage from a High-Def TV, and that HDTV's make the Wii obsolete.


Let me tell you plain. I wouldn't switch back to standard def on my Wii or my PS3, and both of them gain huge advantages, such as 16:9, progressive scan, and Wii remote pointer functionality.


My PS3 has never had a Blu-Ray movie in it, cus I sure as hell aint' buying one(I don't even buy DVD's) and nobody rents them, so wtf man? How can this even count when you gotta pay out the ass for every movie? Is that for everyone, or just the niche video collector? 

I don't need your console war.
It feeds the rich while it buries the poor.
You're power hungry, spinnin' stories, and bein' graphics whores.
I don't need your console war.


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kingofwale said:
>It's also a lesson that there really are some 3rd party wii games worth checking out and you gotta keep your eyes open for bargin.

well, We have Wii at Futureshop for 280. and they also have Chicken Run, Cruis'n, Soulcalibur Legends, The Golden Compass, Hanna Montana, and top it off with Ninjabread man all in stock at full price.

Oh, if you get a good deal, you probably can get Ninja-bread man 2 pre-order for free.

I think 600 bucks probably justify all those 3rd party games. ;)

What, wait?


Meaning the first party games are equivelant on the PS3 and the Wii, and the only seperating factor is their 3rd party support?


Also, assuming the "3rd party games for the Wii" consist of Chicken Run and Ninja Bread man, with no mention of Zack and Wiki, or No More Heroes? 


While, giving no creedance to the fact that most of PS3's games are multiplats, while most of the Wii's games are exclusive.


Finally, asserting that the 3rd party support of the PS3, aka the multiplats, aren't the worst possible versions of the game available for any console besides the DS?


You know, I really do own a PS3, and I don't like to talk bad about Sony, but don't go whipping out your Chicken Run argument in every post, like the PS3 is a Golden God worthy of a 600 dollar price tag, while the Wii is a crappy system with no good games that you wouldn't pay 50 bucks for.


I know that's how you feel, but I'm getting sick and tired of it being free reign of PS3 fanboys to roast the Wii around here, and everytime the PS3 gets a freakin' downward "units sold" adjustment, this site is suddenly Pro-Nintendo biased.

I don't need your console war.
It feeds the rich while it buries the poor.
You're power hungry, spinnin' stories, and bein' graphics whores.
I don't need your console war.


Heres my deal:

- $400 for an Xbox 360
- $60 for Xbox Live
- $70 for Call of Duty 4
- Forza 2 and Marvel came with it! ($0)
- My mom paid for Halo 3 ($0)

Thats about a $600-$650 value for only $530!

Oh wait you counted controller as one, so thats another $40 for free so my grand total is:

$530 for the price of $640-$675

£179.99 - Wii (+sports etc)
£37.99 - LoZ: Twilight Princess
£24.00 - Excite Truck
£29.95 - SSX Blur
£32.00 - Wii Play
£29.99 - RE4: Wii edition
£34.95 - Super Mario Galaxy
£14.99 - Nunchuck
£18 approx - Endless Ocean (Christmas present)
£28.99 - Wii remote
£27.95 - Zack & Wiki

£43.97 - 3X2000 Wii points (2 at £14.99 1 at £13.99)

= £484.87 + £18 approx for EO = £502.77


minus £36 (trade in GC and 3 GC games)
= £469 (i rounded up the £0.77)
- £18 more if you discount presents. but I will leave it at £469.

Had I bought a PS3 instead (using the day I got a Wii) I would have had to spend £470 just to get it and 1 game.

Oh I also bought Eternal darkness recently for £5, something I could not do if I bought any current PS3 (play old games)

Another way to look at it is...

A launch PS3 retailed for $600, but cost Sony $840 to manufacture so they are basically giving you $240 for free!!!

On the other hand, a Wii with peripherals and 10 games costs <$250 to manufacture so that other $350 is going straight into Miyamoto's pocket so he can spend it on drugs and whores.

And before Nintendo fans protest that Miyamoto is a clean living guy, they should be aware that he is known for making prostitutes dress up as Princess Peach, tying them up, and throwing gold coins at them (his dividends are paid in doubloons) while he chomps down on magic mushrooms. Next time you are in Japan, go up to a lady of the night and ask her for a "Miyamoto" and I can guarantee that you'll have an awesome night. FACT.

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Sounds like an awesome fantasy to have!

Just to answer very very simply: a lot of fun... :)

I haven't bought that many games on Wii yet, only some of the best titles, but i've rented many games for a year now, and i've played more in 2007 than any of the last 10 or 15 years...

And so, it's a very reasonnable Wii budget for me, as each rented game costs me only $10 or so... for my first $600, i think i actually played something like 20 Wii games: 15 rented and 5 bought, plus three wimmote/nunchucks for multiplayer fun with my kids... not bad at all... :)


"A beautiful drawing in 480i will stay beautiful forever...

and an ugly drawing in 1080p will stay ugly forever..."

I think I may have spent more on this gen than last already.

GC: £130
extra controller: £15 (I think)
wavebird: £25
official memory card: erm, probably £15 again
unnoficial memory card: £20 (it was 10 times the size)

13 games: No real idea as some will have been cheap etc... erm £390ish?....ok that add up to about £600, so I haven't quite managed it yet.

I am a little closer if you take the Gamecube exchange off this number instead of from the Wii purchase, it would be about £565, compared to £500, so two more games.

ZenfoldorVGI said:
kingofwale said:
>It's also a lesson that there really are some 3rd party wii games worth checking out and you gotta keep your eyes open for bargin.

well, We have Wii at Futureshop for 280. and they also have Chicken Run, Cruis'n, Soulcalibur Legends, The Golden Compass, Hanna Montana, and top it off with Ninjabread man all in stock at full price.

Oh, if you get a good deal, you probably can get Ninja-bread man 2 pre-order for free.

I think 600 bucks probably justify all those 3rd party games. ;)

What, wait?


Meaning the first party games are equivelant on the PS3 and the Wii, and the only seperating factor is their 3rd party support?


Also, assuming the "3rd party games for the Wii" consist of Chicken Run and Ninja Bread man, with no mention of Zack and Wiki, or No More Heroes? 


While, giving no creedance to the fact that most of PS3's games are multiplats, while most of the Wii's games are exclusive.


Finally, asserting that the 3rd party support of the PS3, aka the multiplats, aren't the worst possible versions of the game available for any console besides the DS?


You know, I really do own a PS3, and I don't like to talk bad about Sony, but don't go whipping out your Chicken Run argument in every post, like the PS3 is a Golden God worthy of a 600 dollar price tag, while the Wii is a crappy system with no good games that you wouldn't pay 50 bucks for.


I know that's how you feel, but I'm getting sick and tired of it being free reign of PS3 fanboys to roast the Wii around here, and everytime the PS3 gets a freakin' downward "units sold" adjustment, this site is suddenly Pro-Nintendo biased.


I'm pretty sure he wasn't being serious. He was just jabbing me for another comment I made. It's all good.


@ Bartolomeus:

I understand why you might not think it's a good deal to trade 2 games and just get one, but I really was no longer into the games I had. Three of them (sonic, elebits, rayman) were nice first gen efforts, but nothing more. I had my fill.

@ Everyone:

Like I've said before, while I did make every purchase I stated, it's meant to be a sorta tongue-in-cheek thread. No need to get testy or defensive.

Played_Out said:
Another way to look at it is...

A launch PS3 retailed for $600, but cost Sony $840 to manufacture so they are basically giving you $240 for free!!!

On the other hand, a Wii with peripherals and 10 games costs <$250 to manufacture so that other $350 is going straight into Miyamoto's pocket so he can spend it on drugs and whores.

 While I really don't care about your Miyamoto comment (just so people don't think I have some sort of agenda here) this is your warning to please stay on topic.  For this topic at least, nobody cares how much it costs to produce something and how much profit or loss whatever company gets for their console.