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Another way to look at it is...

A launch PS3 retailed for $600, but cost Sony $840 to manufacture so they are basically giving you $240 for free!!!

On the other hand, a Wii with peripherals and 10 games costs <$250 to manufacture so that other $350 is going straight into Miyamoto's pocket so he can spend it on drugs and whores.

And before Nintendo fans protest that Miyamoto is a clean living guy, they should be aware that he is known for making prostitutes dress up as Princess Peach, tying them up, and throwing gold coins at them (his dividends are paid in doubloons) while he chomps down on magic mushrooms. Next time you are in Japan, go up to a lady of the night and ask her for a "Miyamoto" and I can guarantee that you'll have an awesome night. FACT.