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Forums - Sony Discussion - Amazon Customer Reviews for PS4 - Trolls or serious issues?

adriane23 said:
DirtyP2002 said:


I am not trolling. Just a short question:

Is this legit?

Sooo many DOA-Units?



I'm thinking most are trolling, but some are legit due to Amazon packing or lack thereof. If the hardware was the issue, why aren't people that bought their systems from retail stores not reporting DOA consoles? Best Buy's support forums would be flooded if this was an actual issue.

Best Buy.

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betacon said:
DirtyP2002 said:
betacon said:
DirtyP2002 said:
betacon said:
203 out of how many?


Amazon only sold 470 units, no wonder they had supply issues

493 reviews --> 209 reviews about broken consoles on Day 1.

How is this so many though? Quite obviously the majority of consumers haven't written a review, most of the people doing review would be pissed off consumers. It be more accurate to say 209 reported broken console from amazon ps4 shippments

You are a wise man ;)

It's hard to tell. It's obvious many people PS4 are not working, but i seriously think its a software issue most of the times. Sony sucks at software and has bricked many PS3 with their updates.

Funny thing, it's not out in the media.

 Next Gen 

11/20/09 04:25 makingmusic476 Warning Other (Your avatar is borderline NSFW. Please keep it for as long as possible.)

some probably are some are just trolls just like the 5 stars some are just fanboys and some trully do like the system that much.

but people are having issues with the ps4 so who knows

BuckStud said:
*words of wisdom*

Honestly: Aside from Nintendo´s consoles, it is always best to wait for a hardware revision, PS 1/2/3 launch units were all faulty to variying degrees....and the 360 and to a lesser extent the original XBox too.

 Say what you want about Nintendo, but their stuff works most of the time.

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KylieDog said:
BuckStud said:
KylieDog said:
Sensei said:
What worries me is that many of the 1-star reviews are verified purchases.

Simply ordering will get your review to count as this, even if you expected shipping date is after christmas and you haven't paid anything yet.

So can order a PS4, troll the review, cancel order.  Cost nothing.

You sound a lot like all the people who attacked me when I had gotten on a PS3 forum to ask if anyone else had a problem with their Blu Ray drive not working after a firmware update.  I was immediately called a liar.  I told them that I had called Sony who said that they hadn't heard of the problem and that I could send it in for repair as it was only about 7 months old.  They said that I had to have the original store receipt, which I didn't as this was my second PS3 and I had purchased it used off Craig's List.  The original owner had sent it in to have the drive replaced under warranty already and it worked great for me for about a month and a half.  Sony said that since I wasn't the original owner and didn't have the store receipt, even though the manufacture date was well ender a year old, I'd have to pay $150 to get it fixed.  After posting my story in the forums I was attacked by almost everyone.  Within a couple of days, the number of people who had experienced the same problem grew fast. In the end, I seen a lot of post by people who had theirs repaired by Sony and also seen a lot of PS3 systems on eBay and Craig’s List with non-working Blu Ray drives.  I ended up selling my non-working one on Craig’s List as broken.  I later bought a slim and sold my original 60GB and I’ve owned two other PS3’s since and haven’t had a problem with them.
I own or have owned pretty much every system ever released in the USA (other than the PS4) and several that weren't.  I'm not a fanboy to anyone, but I'll tell you, from my experiences, diehard Sony fans are by far the worst.  They only seem to believe what they want and everything else must be a lie.

Cool story.  Nothing I posted is untrue though.  Amazon verified is for anyone who placed an order at any point and completed checkout.  Even months ago before Xbox did a 180, so is possible some of those reviews just trolling.

The problem is that you immediately think that anyone who posted a negative review must be lying and out to get Sony or something.  How about you give them the benefit of the doubt until the dust settles.  Do you really think that many people would go through the trouble of ordering a system, and then cacel their order just to post a negative review?  You need to start seeing the good in people, not eveyone is evil.

Stop hating and start playing.

platformmaster918 said:
Imaginedvl said:
Would lie if I say that this was expected but with all the noise around that in the past days I believe it is unfortunately true and the PS4 seems to have a high level of DOA... That being said; we did not see how the Xbox One will do... I hope it will obviously do better (which does not seem to be a though challenge so far) but it may also be bad.

Now the reaction of some fans saying that it is all those Xbox fans out there making things up is really funny :) I remember not a long time ago when some fans where trolling all the news, YouTube videos, etc... and then those same fans claimed that it was the majority of the Internet who were responsible and not only a a certain fan base...

Really funny :)

the applause of unbiased journalists at E3 showed that that was NOT fanboys.  Hell even the Jimmy Fallon crowd was "trolling" on Xbox at that time.  The majority of the internet (and world) was against Xbox.  Sorry but people don't like DRM and it wasn't a rumor like this it was official word from the company.

What is your point? Did not argued about that :)

Just stop pretending that all this noise from MANY sources regarding the PS4's DOA is the result of some Xbox One fans out there... it is not.
Sorry but people don't like to buy DOA consoles...

It's hilarious to me that any negative news about PS4 is brushed off as trolling, but if this negative news was about Xbox One all of these same people claiming it's nothing but trolls would be bashing MS for having another RROD fiasco all over again, and taking every negative review as gospel.

Also, anyone that believes .4% failure rate is accurate is out of their mind. No new tech product in history has launched with anywhere near as low a failure rate as that. 5% is about the norm, and anywhere up to 10-15% is acceptable. And of course their is an abnormally high % of negative reviews. That goes for any product. When people buy a product that works as advertised they rarely leave a review. When something goes wrong they go straight to the internet.

Everyone just needs to relax, and give this a lot more time to play out, and also understand that the failure rate is going to be a lot higher than 0.4% and a lot lower than the almost 50% that these reviews would lead you to believe.

KylieDog said:

Cool story.  Nothing I posted is untrue though.  Amazon verified is for anyone who placed an order at any point and completed checkout.  Even months ago before Xbox did a 180, so is possible some of those reviews just trolling.

What does this have to do with Xbox?

So you're saying people that bought their Pray Station Bunduru are regretting it now?

orniletter said:
BuckStud said:
*words of wisdom*

Honestly: Aside from Nintendo´s consoles, it is always best to wait for a hardware revision, PS 1/2/3 launch units were all faulty to variying degrees....and the 360 and to a lesser extent the original XBox too.

 Say what you want about Nintendo, but their stuff works most of the time.

This has been my experience too.  I've had at least one of each system from Sony and MS fail on me other than the Vita.  Other than dirty contacts on the 72-pin connector on the NES and a huge designs flaw on the ribbon cable on the Virtual Boy (which didn't show up until the unit was 15+ years old), I haven't had any other problems with my Nintendo systems.  I can say the same about my Apple products too...very well made.

Stop hating and start playing.