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It's hilarious to me that any negative news about PS4 is brushed off as trolling, but if this negative news was about Xbox One all of these same people claiming it's nothing but trolls would be bashing MS for having another RROD fiasco all over again, and taking every negative review as gospel.

Also, anyone that believes .4% failure rate is accurate is out of their mind. No new tech product in history has launched with anywhere near as low a failure rate as that. 5% is about the norm, and anywhere up to 10-15% is acceptable. And of course their is an abnormally high % of negative reviews. That goes for any product. When people buy a product that works as advertised they rarely leave a review. When something goes wrong they go straight to the internet.

Everyone just needs to relax, and give this a lot more time to play out, and also understand that the failure rate is going to be a lot higher than 0.4% and a lot lower than the almost 50% that these reviews would lead you to believe.