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Forums - Sony Discussion - Amazon Customer Reviews for PS4 - Trolls or serious issues?

platformmaster918 said:
NobleTeam360 said:
Ivankov said:
NobleTeam360 said:
Ivankov said:
Lots of those negative review are trolling, i took a few minutes to click on a bunch of 1 star review, all without the Amazon verified purchase tag, and quite a coincidence than most of those are actually the very first review of those users.

While there's obviously people having some real issues with their system i doubt the rating system of Amazon can really shows how spread out it actually is.

Um yeah a lot of them have Amazon verified purchases with a 1 star review. Just face it the PS4 has hardware issues. 

I don't really see which part of my post deny the very existence of issues on the system.

I never said you were denying it, but the fact remains I'm on Amazon looking through the 1 star reviews and almost all of them have Amazon verified purchases. I'm sure there are a few trolls. 

It has hardware issues just like all new hardware launches.  Nothing extraordinary and it has a 1 year warranty for those RARE cases.

Rare cases? Nearly 40-50% of reviews on Amazon are dead on arrival I wouldn't call that a Rare case. Anyway I hope Sony gets this issues resolved quickly past the first batch of consoles. 

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NobleTeam360 said:
platformmaster918 said:
NobleTeam360 said:
Ivankov said:
NobleTeam360 said:
Ivankov said:
Lots of those negative review are trolling, i took a few minutes to click on a bunch of 1 star review, all without the Amazon verified purchase tag, and quite a coincidence than most of those are actually the very first review of those users.

While there's obviously people having some real issues with their system i doubt the rating system of Amazon can really shows how spread out it actually is.

Um yeah a lot of them have Amazon verified purchases with a 1 star review. Just face it the PS4 has hardware issues. 

I don't really see which part of my post deny the very existence of issues on the system.

I never said you were denying it, but the fact remains I'm on Amazon looking through the 1 star reviews and almost all of them have Amazon verified purchases. I'm sure there are a few trolls. 

It has hardware issues just like all new hardware launches.  Nothing extraordinary and it has a 1 year warranty for those RARE cases.

Rare cases? Nearly 40-50% of reviews on Amazon are dead on arrival I wouldn't call that a Rare case. Anyway I hope Sony gets this issues resolved quickly past the first batch of consoles. 

Yes I always hope that they refine the formula.  But it's not a huge issue.  Sorry but with all the trolling going on I can only trust what I know for sure which is people I know and PSN friends who have gotten PS4 and what they've experienced.  They've all been fine, but for those who have had a bad experience, which I'm sure is within the normal margin for new hardware, there is a 1 year warranty.

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KylieDog said:
Sensei said:
What worries me is that many of the 1-star reviews are verified purchases.

Simply ordering will get your review to count as this, even if you expected shipping date is after christmas and you haven't paid anything yet.

So can order a PS4, troll the review, cancel order.  Cost nothing.

The problem behind that logic is that you can't even order/pre-order shipments at this time. 


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Would lie if I say that this was expected but with all the noise around that in the past days I believe it is unfortunately true and the PS4 seems to have a high level of DOA... That being said; we did not see how the Xbox One will do... I hope it will obviously do better (which does not seem to be a though challenge so far) but it may also be bad.

Now the reaction of some fans saying that it is all those Xbox fans out there making things up is really funny :) I remember not a long time ago when some fans where trolling all the news, YouTube videos, etc... and then those same fans claimed that it was the majority of the Internet who were responsible and not only a a certain fan base...

Really funny :)

Out of 80 random reviews:

Verified: 30 Good reviews and 27 bad reviews

Unverified: 15 good reviews and 8 bad reviews

It seems like the majority of unverified reviews are giving 5 stars ... Sony defense force?

Note: a good review is a 4 or 5 star and a bad review is a 1 or 2 star. (Strangely enough I did not ecounter a 3 star). I did not count 1 stars from people who complained about Amazon or 5 stars from people who haven't received the product yet (which was only 4 from the random reviews I chose).

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reviews mostly bs.
Amazon owners have higher rate of dead console I believe Iv seen how things are shipped.
Never buy and get electronics shipped.

iv had one console in my life die on me, it was a best buy shipped one.

personally i prefer grabbing a console in a small store then massive one where stock is not treated very gently.

It's legit. This is just another reason I never buy a new system at launch.

oldschoolfool said:
It's legit. This is just another reason I never buy a new system at launch.

Really? Seems like this is the second console of the past 30 years to have this issue. Your odds are pretty good if you were to buy every system on launch.

Imaginedvl said:
Would lie if I say that this was expected but with all the noise around that in the past days I believe it is unfortunately true and the PS4 seems to have a high level of DOA... That being said; we did not see how the Xbox One will do... I hope it will obviously do better (which does not seem to be a though challenge so far) but it may also be bad.

Now the reaction of some fans saying that it is all those Xbox fans out there making things up is really funny :) I remember not a long time ago when some fans where trolling all the news, YouTube videos, etc... and then those same fans claimed that it was the majority of the Internet who were responsible and not only a a certain fan base...

Really funny :)

the applause of unbiased journalists at E3 showed that that was NOT fanboys.  Hell even the Jimmy Fallon crowd was "trolling" on Xbox at that time.  The majority of the internet (and world) was against Xbox.  Sorry but people don't like DRM and it wasn't a rumor like this it was official word from the company.

Get Your Portable ID!Lord of Ratchet and Clank

Duke of Playstation Plus

Warden of Platformers

Figgycal said:
oldschoolfool said:
It's legit. This is just another reason I never buy a new system at launch.

Really? Seems like this is the second console of the past 30 years to have this issue. Your odds are pretty good if you were to buy every system on launch.

I"ve been gaming for 25 years and I've never bought a system at launch ever!!!! Just doesn't make sense 2 me,personally. I like to wait for them to work out whatever issues they may have,plus I just like to wait for more content to arrive,at least 6 months worth.