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Forums - Sales Discussion - 360 version of DMC4 destroyed the PS3 in NA!!!!

Ha! Guess 360 won this battle. Oh and it also slightly beat the European version. Ouch!

What are you looking at, nerd?
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What did you expect with 3x more userbase?

Wait till Japan software is updated, you'll find it a much closer battle.

But in Japan PS3 version beats the X360 version and also in total sales the PS3 version sold better...So your point is ?

Seeing as there's 10 million+ 360's Vs. Under 4 Million PS3's in America I'd say it'd be plain obvious the 360 version would sell better, infact the gap isn't as large as it should be, showing that many duel console owners prefer the PS3 version of the game.

I imitate your avatar to you sir.


Devil May Cry 4
Devil May Cry 4


92,257 (+40%) 10,869,080
63,383 (+19%) 3,866,125

Considering userbase ... I'd say PS3 did EXTREMELY well against the 360 version.

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Ps3 = 70k more without japans numbers included this week yet. Expect ps3 version to have 100k more when that happens.

So basically I can say that DMC4 is a total success for the 360 in Japan as well considering it sold 40k and it only has half a millon units sold there. Gotcha, that proves the 360 has a better attachment rate than the PS3 in Japan as well.

What are you looking at, nerd?

@Dolla Dolla

Exactly, about 2.5% of all 360 owners bought it whereas about 4.3% of PS3 owners did.

developers don't look at regional sales dim wit. they look at total sales. Which the PS3 version is beating it out by 100k with 7mil less owners. I say Ps3 version = more successful for capcom than 360 version

nice cherry picking troll job though.